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SOMETHING ABOUT THIS FAMILY BEFORE HER SCREAMED DANGER, but Abigail couldn't put her finger on it

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SOMETHING ABOUT THIS FAMILY BEFORE HER SCREAMED DANGER, but Abigail couldn't put her finger on it. Her and Hank and Dawn had fallen silent, as they instantly moved to defend one another instead. Abby could practically feel the defensive stance Dick Grayson had taken in front of Rachel. Hank glanced at Dawn and Abby, before strolling forwards arrogantly, eyebrows raised.

"The fuck are these guys?"

Then the dad dashed forwards, taking everyone by surprise, and kicked Hank in the chest, sending him to the floor. Everyone burst into action. Dick grabbed Rachel and pulled her to safety, Dawn took on the mother, trading blows and kicks. Hank stood to tackle the father, leaving Abby stuck between the two kids, who circled her like hyenas, like wolves. Shit.

The daughter attacked first, more impatient than her brother, charging at Abigail with a malicious grin, only to be met with a roundhouse kick to her chest before she could come within punching distance. The brother took advantage of the distraction though, racing forwards with his bat and smashing it against Abigail's back, watching her drop to a knee, where he wrapped the wooden stick around her neck and pulled. The force pulled the brunette back to her feet as she clutched the bat, trying desperately to pull it away from her trachea, trying to breathe.

That breathe was stolen from her lungs by a sharp and merciless punch from the sister, who was back on her feet and throwing scratches and knuckles where she could.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you two some manners?" Abigail choked out, then used the brief pause to plant her foot in the sister's face and push.

Worryingly psychotic sister sprawled several feet back on the floor, Abigail used the momentum to launch herself backwards, and the brother. He landed on his back, Abigail on him, making sure to dig her elbows into ribs as she fell. The bat went slack and she pushed it away, throwing herself to her feet and it became a short victory as she saw the sister running at her again. She prepared herself to catch a punch when Dick Grayson appeared from the shadows, tackling the redhead to the ground and scrabbling to get back to his feet.

"Abs, quake them!" his voice was urgent. He knew her powers could take the family out, maybe the only chance to beat back the family who had picked possibly the worst time ever to decide to fight the former Titans.

Abigail didn't have time to debate it, to even consider replying as she felt the gravel behind her scrape and she barely ducked under the swing of the bat meant for her head. She turned to see the brother grinning sadistically at her, and only just managed to block the second swing with her forearm as he tried again. Pushing the bat out of his grip, she lifted her leg and kicked him in the chest, moving forwards and blocking a punch before landing her own. The brother soon recovered, catching her fist and twisting it sharply before he used his spare hand to grab Abby by the neck and lift her up.

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