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That was the first thing Abby heard as she stepped foot into the house. It was shrill and deafening and terrified. It was all Abby needed to take off through the darkness, following only her ears towards the source. The closer the got, the more the house started to rumble. Like a great beast was awakening in its foundations. The lights started flickering and Abby grabbed at the wall to steady herself.

Another scream ricocheted around the house, this time a different voice. She heard Kory utter an inquisitive hello? and spared a glance back, only to find her breath escape her throat as she caught sight of a woman stood behind her pink-haired friend. Before Abby could yell a warning, heavy metal boots sounded in front of her. Shit.

Her head snapped back, facing the metal man now staring her down. Get out! could be heard in a guttural screech and Abby reached out to grab Kory's arm as she stumbled back towards her. Fire began to brew in her chest, she could feel the particles surrounding them begging her to use them.

"Who the fuck are—," Abby started, fist beginning to clench as her narrowed eyes swept across the three individuals.

The third scream of the night was one Abby recognised.


Another thought didn't cross her mind. Any consequence didn't seem to matter. Rachel. She took off without a word, a flick of her wrist casting the bandaged man in her way out of it. She didn't think, didn't worry about losing control of her abilities. She couldn't lose control. She wouldn't. It was a mistake she couldn't make.

This girl needed her, and she wouldn't let her down.

The growing rumble of noise coming from the direction of Rachel's scream led her like a beacon, guiding her run as varied sonic blasts from her palms demolished any strewn or overturned furniture from her path. Her heavy boots soon thundered to a stop in front of wooden door, barred by a collapsed column. Abby's eyes scoured the entrance for a way to move it to no avail. Okay. Powers it was.

She raised an arm and felt herself tune into the vibrations of the atoms around her, felt them shift to her pull and react to her demands, felt the vibrations build and build until they were brimming at her fingertips. With barely a quiver of her hand, they propelled forwards, emitting a shockwave that shattered the column into splinters and blew the door straight off its hinges.

Abby felt a small smirk curl up her lips. "Still got it."

The brunette charged through the open archway, racing out onto a hallway leading to a spurs staircase, overlooked by skylights, and bordered by a metal balcony. She skidded to a stop, lurching to the balcony and peering over. Oh God. Her throat felt like it had closed up. Seized up.

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