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DICK'S HAND WAS ON HER ELBOW IN SECONDS. Everyone's ears were still ringing from the shrill sonic screech that Abby had released. Her eyes skimmed across the chaos and carnage her fear had caused around her and felt horror grip her. An old memory came to mind and she let out a choked breath. Not again.

Fires from exploded cars raged on. Smoke ascended into the frozen sky and people hurried about in panic, trying to escape the burn and the glass knives Rachel had shattered. The car park had just become a warzone and Abby once again found herself in the middle of it. The cause of it.

"Abigail!" Dick's voice finally broke through her thoughts. He'd been calling her name in a desperate attempt to draw her attention from the terror on her face.

Her eyes lifted to meet his but no reply escaped her lips. He wasn't sure if she was capable of one. His eyes met the magenta-haired woman's and she grabbed onto Rachel as he did Abigail. Jess flew to Dick's side, clinging to him in fear, he grabbed her hand with his spare one.

Arm now wound tightly around Abby's shoulders, Dick pushed her down and shielded her head with his body from the vicious flames. The five of them made towards the cars they came in, Dick pushing Jess after Rachel, figuring it was safer than leaving her near whatever state Abby was in.

They toppled into the car, Dick rushing round to the driver's side and slamming the door shut. Both their chests heaved up and down. He started the engine and in seconds had his foot pressed to the floor, shooting after the car Rachel and Jess were in.

Neither of them spoke. Dick knew better than to talk to her. Abby knew better than to act like she wanted him to.

The drive to Saint Paul's Convent was silent, but along the way, Abigail decided it was not somewhere she would've visited on a day trip. It looked like the place where exorcisms were a frequent occurrence and poltergeists terrorised the hallways. It belonged in a horror film, not Rachel Roth's childhood. Again, she would not have chosen to go there.

Dick Grayson didn't seem to get the memo, and still had his foot on the accelerator as they approached the holy grounds. As soon as the car had stopped, Abby was out. Arms folded tightly against her as if hiding her hands would stop her powers working.

No one had mentioned a thing to her. The same way they hadn't Rachel. A gentle hand landed on her shoulder. Dick stared at her, eyes full of pity. She didn't want his pity. She shrugged him off, striding after Rachel, who'd marched into the convent.

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