Chapter 5-7

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When the font becomes like this, it means that they are thinking this in their thoughts. That's all! Enjoy the story.

Chapter 5

Kari POV

'I really need to get a renovation now that I'm living here...this will blind my eyes all the time.' I look around at the pink room. I walked towards the door and push it open slowly.

I didn't want to attract any noises that indicates I'm leaving my room.

<An hour later>

'This might take a while...I think I should ask a maid instead if there's such thing as a computer or laptop here...' I had been wandering around for an hour when I spotted a maid walking along.

I ran up to her and tugged her dress. She looks down and saw me. "Oh My! Miss, what are you doing here?" She asked as she bends down to look at me.

I blinked my eyes at her, "Do you have a laptop or is there a computer around here?" I held my breath and hope she wouldn't ask what it was because it would tell me that they didn't exist.

She put her hand up to her chin for a while before nodding.  "There is one in the house, do you wanna use it??" She said.

I nodded and she held out her hand, I took it and she led me to a room with a desk on it which had a computer on it. I smiled at her and thanked her.

She bowed and nodded before exiting the room. I went up to the computer and switch it on. There was a password on it but I scoff. 'A small thing like a password won't stop me!'

I hit some keys on the keyboard and some green numbers appear. I hit some keys again and the computer unlocked. I smiled, satisfied. 'Now...I should learn about the world I'm in first...'

Chapter 6
Kari POV

I had searched up multiple things in the when, and I found out that there were many modern things here. There were such things as cars but the only weird thing I noticed was that there were such things as 'royalty'.

'This is weird...There was no such thing as the country I lived in..perhaps I should look at the news?' I quickly search up on the news and saw things as Commoner gets three attributes!

'Attributes? What? What do they mean by attributes..?' Now I was utterly confused. 'Perhaps... I should ask mom and dad for information rather than searching it up...'

I switch off the computer and got out of the room. 'I need to find my dad's study...'

I walked around for a while before I saw a brown oak door with a golden plate on it saying 'Study'.  I found it! I walked up to it and knocked on the door.

"Come in." A voice said. I push open the door and went in, noticing a desk filled up with piles of paper.

My dad hadn't looked up and was still reviewing some documents. "Daddy?" He froze before looking up and seeing me. "I want to ask some questions... Is that okay?" I continued. "Sure, sweetie. Come up here."

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