Chapter 45

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Hhihini how are yall. I'm doing rather decent. Exams are still here though :( oh well, anyways, enjoy the chapter. Sorry that it's short once again.



Kari- Female Protagonist

Amelia- Heroine of the otome game

Zayd- Male lead/ Demon King

Sugo- Assistant of Zayd

Xlec- Crown Prince of Sesta

Damon- Crown Prince of Dirus

Kain- Crown Prince of Ruirin

Arties- Crown Prince of Iduzia

Sazuki- Pink hair orphan that Kari picked up from the alleyway/ Kari's younger stepbrother/ Cyox's friend

Cyox- Picked up by Kari in the dungeons of the Demon Castle/ Kari's younger stepbrother/ Sazuki's friend

+ 3 new characters

Chapter 45

"Uh, hey Zayd." Kari spoke out as she spammed the controller.

"Yes, Kari?" Zayd said, turning to look at Kari with questioning eyes.

"Well, I won't be able to visit you as often anymore." Zayd's body stiffened and became rigid.

His eyebrows furrowed as his face darkened, "Is that so? May I know the reason?"

"Yea, school is starting again. So annoying..." Kari mumbled with annoyance as she focused on the TV screen.

Zayd, however, was currently thinking.

'Should I just destroy the school? I mean, Kari won't mind right... Who knows who she's gonna meet there...' Zayd bit his bottom lip in uneasiness as he took a side glance at Kari.

Seeing her beautiful, side profile, Zayd slightly flushes and look away.

Silently, Zayd took out his phone and texted Sugo.


Zayd: Sugo, Kari is going back to her school soon. I need solutions. Should I burn the school down?

Sugo: What!? No! What the heck Zayd! You will never get her like this if you burn her school down!

Zayd: Then what should you suggest I do?

Sugo: Enroll at her school as a student duh! Geez.

Zayd: Thanks.

Sugo: No problem.


Zayd kept his phone and took out his laptop, he started to type, bringing up the school's website.

He then took the entrance exam and filled out a form.

After all, that to register in Kari's school, he kept his phone and focused on looking at Kari.

A silly grin appeared on his face. He really was foolishly in love with her.

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