Chapter 38

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Chapter 38
Editor: Chikibini
Thank you for editing for me!
Enjoy reading!
TP POV (TP= Third Person)

After fighting with the monsters, everyone woke up rather late the next morning. They were still tired but immediately resumed their adventure, waiting for the next destination.

After a few days, the car arrived up on a cliff.

Kari stepped out of the car, leaving the others behind. Lifting her arm up, she didn't expect to sense any magic waves, but, to her surprise, she felt a slight tingling.

Quickly putting her arm down, she ran and jumped off the cliff. Taking off the moment she hit the ground, she dashed forward, completely stopping after a few metres.

She frowned. There was a huge stone wall in front of her. Anyone would have gone back once they saw something like that, but not Kari. Especially when she felt that magic wave. She laid her hand on the wall, it felt real, but Kari pushed her hand a bit harder on the wall and it instantly went through.

Kari quickly took her hand back, grinning widely. Making her way back, she surprised the others with her results, "I've found it!"

Maida finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank god we found it. We can go back now! Let's rest here for a day and we can go back tomorrow." Her words immediately broke Kari's happy bubble, making her slump down.

Everyone agreed to her words while Kari made her way over to her room.

 'Hmph! If they don't wanna go in. I will!' Kari made up her mind. 

This was a once in a lifetime to see what a Demon King Castle looked like! Like hell, she would miss the opportunity!

And so, Kari made a plan.

She gave an excuse that she was going out to practice and other things. First, she needed the layout of the demon lord's castle. Who knows? Maybe the demons basically live like us. In a country.

Kari quickly made her way to the base of the illusion. Pushing her hand in, she slowly walked through the illusion with a bit of force.

She opened her eyes, not expecting what she had imagined. The demon country was much more advanced than she had thought. It wasn't dark and gloomy at all. It was actually...quite bright.

Unsurprisingly, the demons had different coloured horns sprouting out from their heads, ranging from one horn to six. There was a tail coming out from their back and some even had small wings which Kari found extremely cute.

They had different eye colours, some had the common red eyes, some purple, some yellow, and even pink. Instead of everyone having black hair, they had different colours of hair. Such as red, purple, black, blue and so more. They basically looked...actually, pretty normal. The horns and tails are the only weird characteristic.

She could see demons of all ages strolling around or playing with each other. Some even were playing with their magic, throwing fire or ice balls at each other playfully.

There were shops everywhere and even a black fountain in the middle. It had a dragon head on the top which was spewing water from its mouth and would splash at people who were passing by.

Kari knew she would stand out, so she had to get a disguise. Quickly stepping out from the illusion, she opened up her status bar, making her way over to the shop option.

Kari quickly exchanged some of her money for the currency featured in her status which was ironically called God's Currency.

Scrolling through the shop, she came across a potion that allowed her to take the form of a demon as well as their aura. She grinned and was about to buy it when she saw the price.

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