Chapter 32-33

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A/C: Take my 2 chapters that I took a week and 3 days to work on. UnU

My working ability is deteriorating.
Chapter 32

"As expected, your room looks 10 times better than ours. Look! There's even an indoor pool! What the hell!" Kari pointed out as she grumbled in jealousy.

"Wanna play some Xbox?" Kain asked,

Kari's eyes lit up as she nodded vigorously, making her way over to Kain's side who was holding a white controller.

"Woahhh, did you buy every game Xbox had to offer?" Kari asked as she scrolled through the list.

Deciding on a game, Kain and Kari started to play. Completely forgot about the others.

~A few hours~

Kari snickered as she landed a final blow, killing Kain once again. Kari let out a victory cheer as Kain shouted in disbelief.

"Are you guys done playing? It's like 8 pm already. You guys should go back to your rooms and sleep. Cause we have to wake up early tomorrow." Arties said.

"Alright, alright. Let's go back, Amelia." Kari sighed dejectedly, having to part from the console.

~The next day~

Kari drooled as she stared at the food displayed on the table. "Ah...What should I pick..." She grabbed a plate as she walked around.

Kari took a second look at the food choices, finding many of them unrecognizable, sure, the food looked extremely pleasing and delicious to the eyes. But really...What was even all of this!?

She frowned as she looked at the food, hesitant to pick one.

Suddenly, she felt a hand placed on her shoulder, "Are you okay? You seem troubled." Kain asked as he looked at her questionably.

Kari stammered, "I-i, I never seen this food before....?" She scratched her head awkwardly.

Kain raised an eyebrow, "Never? Uh...How about I pick for you then? What do you prefer?" He took the plate from Kari as he asked.

"I'm not picky, you can just pick anything," Kari replied.

Kain nodded as he started moving from table to table, filling her plate with food.

Kain handed her the plate, "Here you go, I hope you like it." Kari thanked him, following Kain to the table where Amelia and the others were seated at.

Sitting next to Amelia, she immediately started eating, she was quite hungry after all!

×After Eating×

Kari wiped her mouth with a piece of tissue and toss it in the trash bin.

Getting up from her chair, she informed the others that she was gonna go back to her room to go get her bag for the expenditure.

~After getting her stuff~

Kari POV

"Kariiiiiii!!" Amelia called out to me, she was standing next to a black limo. I assumed the others were already in the car.

I made my way over to her, smiled and nodded. We got inside the car and I eventually fell asleep until Arties woke me up.

My eyes were sparkling as I look around the infamous crowded street.

We were told to go into groups and come back to the designated location.

Of course, I decided to go with Amelia and the princes. The street was extremely lively and many things were sold.

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