Chapter 49

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Ayeeee its 4:30AM sob. Konichiwa!
Updates on my daily status if anyone cares, I am literally simping over my hubbies like my God they're so hot djdjdhdhr. Kk that's enough lol enjoy the chapter!

P.S. Dazai and Fydor is hot from bsd.

Chapter 49


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Xlec's eyes move from left to right as a blue map appeared on the computer screen. He grinned excitedly.

"Yes! Finally, I can hire this-" He paused mid-way when a red dot loaded.


"What....?" He whispered in shock, his eyes widening.

He rubbed his eyes and opened them to make sure he wasn't delusional.

"How... How could this be..!?" Mouth agape, he looked at the small red dot that was hovering.

Kain looks over from the couch to see Xlec's face way too close to the computer screen.

He raised an eyebrow curiously and got up. Walking over to Xlec, he placed a gloved hand on his chair. He look over Xlec's shoulder to see what had shocked him. "What's wron-..?!"

Kain blinked, "No way..." He muttered, having the same reaction as Xlec. "What in the actual fuck. All this time... Oh. My. God." One of his hands clasped over his face in disbelief.

Xlec rubbed his temples with a frown as he seemingly glared at the red dot. "All this time... The hacker we were soooooo curious about, right under our noses. Honestly-!"

Wonder what the commotion was about, the other two - Damon and Arties also joined and took a look at the computer screen.


Arties just exited.


"So what do we do? Do you want to meet the hacker?" Kain asked Xlec.

Xlec jumped up from his seat, his arms outspread at his sides which moved up and down. "Of course I do! You have no fucking idea how many and how LONG it took to literally find this person! For God's sake, I wanna hire the hacker for my country you know! Imagine how useful they would be!"

Arties tapped his chin, "Well they would be. So I guess we're gonna meet them... When? Like, do we ambush them or something? I don't think we can like, just knock on their door and well, say hi..."

In fact, they actually could.

So taking a look at the map again, they then realised that the red dot was situated in the dorm house where Kari is from.

"... Guys. Is it just me or are you thinking-" Xlec got cut off.

"Yes Xlec. We all are thinking the same."

Damon blinked and said with an unsure voice, "We are?"

"Excluding him." Kain immediately added.

"Don't tell me... It can't be Kari, can it? This is insane!" Arties commented.

Xlec pursued his lips, "I checked the students of that dorm. Besides Kari, the other girls there are basically, like getting F for their grades."

Damon frowned, "You can't just judge someone on their grades! Maybe they're just bad at like subjects and maybe secretly better at techy stuff!"

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