Chapter 34-35

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A/C: Hihihihi
Here are two chapters.
Uhm enjoy. Oh and stay safe too. :P
Chapter 34


The trip was now over, everyone was packing up and getting ready to head back.

"Damon, Where is Seyden? Kari asked. Damon looked at his phone. "I just got some people to send him to the plane. He should be there right now currently."

Kari grabbed her backpack, slinging it over her shoulder.

"I will go off first then. Seyden might feel uncomfortable right now."

Damon nodded, "Okay, Stay safe. I will inform the others that you went off first."

Kari thanked him and she flagged a taxi, asking the driver to go to the airport.

Flashing her card, the employee let her through.

Climbing up the stairs to the plane, Kari entered and saw the familiar interior.

She looked around and spotted Seyden sitting at one of the seats, clutching the phone she had handed him.

Kari smiled and walked up to him.

Hearing footsteps, Seyden look up and his eyes lit up, seeing a familiar person.

"Hey, Seyden!" Kari waved at him as she set down her bag on the floor next to the seat across from him.

"Hello...." He said softly.

"How are you? Are you feeling fine?" Kari asked.

"Yes...Uhm...where are we going?"

Kari paused before answering. "To our school. You will be staying there for a while. It's the safest place right now. Most people do not know the existence of your country. So if they find out...who knows what they will do..." Kari muttered, showing a complicated expression.

Seyden stayed silent as his eyes flashed an unknown emotion.

Kari broke the silence. "Well, I came here early to check up on you. Looks like you are fine, I'm gonna go over to the buffet table for a while. I'm quite hungry since I didn't eat anything in the morning. You can do whatever you want, if you need any help, just call out to me mkay?" Kari said before walking in the direction of the buffet table.

Chatters could be heard as Xlec and the boys entered with Amelia following behind, seeing Kari.

Amelia immediately gave a wide smile as she pounced onto her.

Kari almost fell faceplanted as she held onto the sudden heavy weight on her back.

Groaning, "Amelia..." Amelia immediately got off her back and showed a sheepish expression before clinging to Kari's arm.

If Amelia was a cat, you could see her tail just swinging from side to side from the satisfaction of being near Kari, her best friend.

Kari sighed as she dragged Amelia over to her seat and sat down.

She could feel questioning looks from Seyden and she gave him a deadpanned expression that speak out 'Don't ask'.

Seyden sweatdropped as he kept his mouth shut. Feeling a shred of sympathy for Kari who had a very clingy and dependant friend.

When they got back from Dirus, Seyden was immediately snuck secretly to the prince's dorm. Whilst, Kari had gone back to her dorm to ask Shadi about Seyden.

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