Chapter 20

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Sierra's POV

2 years later

Life in New York was stressful but worth it. I still remember the day we had to pack up and leave following after my sister, my mum came too of course.

We had started life anew, leaving the past way behind us, well atleast other people, me? Not so much. But thinking about the past would always bring back bad memories some good but more depressing, I had tried for the last 2 years to phase out those memories but it wasn't so effective.

Mum opened up a business here with the money I was paid, the 500 thousand was still untouched. We paid off our debts and moved here. Started a family business adding to the long list of restaraunts already in New York but ours had that extra oomph, it was actually surprising how the business boomed after just 2 years, now everybody and anybody went there for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I got a job as a personal assistant to the CEO of the company, it wasn't that much of a big company,actually, it is relatively small but they pay well, good enough to live as comfortably as possible. Also with our business we couldn't ask for any thing more. We had a bigger house too but i didn't live with my sister and mother anymore because the house was pretty far from work and being late wasn't an option in my books. Although I went there every oppurtunity I got. I would always stay there during the weekends and today is that said 'weekend'. So that's basically the summary of my life for the past 2 years, nothing intriguing.

I was currently getting ready for bed because tomorrow was Monday and I had work early. Since I was at my mum's I had to wake up extra early. I couldnt honestly wait for Wednesday to come, that was when I normally had my free days, in the company where I work they have a schedule of free days for every worker although you would still have to do paper work at home. Which was obviously better than being cramped up in the office for the whole day. 

I was about to turn off my night lamp when Alexis walked into my room.
"Hey you. Going to bed this early?"

"Uhmm duhh, what did you think, i felt like just staying in the dark in the night when it's pretty late for fun?" I scoffed at her. This girl wasn't serious.

"Remember I have work tomorrow too. And the destination is kinda far."I added

" Well Sisi we can never be too sure, you always go into those your stages of withdrawal once in a while." She said with actual seriousness, it was true, after what happened I couldn't say i was the same me as 2 years ago not at all. I remember that morning all to well.


"Oh dear what's wrong why are you crying? Is everything okay?"

"Mum" I looked into my mum's concerned eyes and i couldn't help myself from hugging her, I needed as much comfort as I could get.

"Can we leave here?" My mum looked at me like I had grown 2 heads.

"What do you mean leave here, what's the problem?"

Telling them everything that happened between myself and the Giovanni's didn't do anything to stop the tears from flowing down.

"We can pay off all our debts and leave mum. It's not like we have any single thing going on here please, I just want to leave this place."

"Its okay darling, everything's going to be okay." But I didn't feel like anything was going to be okay. Not at all

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