Chapter 42

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Gabriel's POV
It had been almost twenty four hours since I last saw Sierra and Alexis. I have been going crazy out of my mind to look for the both of them. Luca has also been restless and on his feet looking for ways to locate where they had been held hostage.

I regret letting her go outside last night, she should have stayed indoors with all of us even though I knew she felt uncormfortable, this had to be my fault. I haven't prayed in a long while but God please bring back my Sierra safely to me, I'll never miss a day of service anymore. Who was I kidding? I would miss some days, but Lord I promise I won't miss all. We had no trace whatsoever of where they would likely be, this was a total and complete mess. I could hear Bella running down the stairs but I wasn't the slightest bit bothered as I was in my own world.

"Gab, I just got goosebumps." Bella said suddenly stopping in front of me. Ughh I really wasn't in the mood for this right now.

"Bella, you know I'm not in the mood right now" I told her.

"Wait, I know but you have to listen to me. Remember when you dropped me off at mum's?" I nodded my head remembering vividly that moment.

"Mum had called someone after you left and she had told them to take care of her ." Bella continued, the more she spoke the more I pieced everything together.

"Then I thought she meant you know her guest and all, but after she disappeared so early this morning. Everything started becoming clear." Bella finished.

"What if, what if. You know she's the one that you know." Bella couldn't complete the statement, I could understand how she was feeling. That if her mum did this how disappointed and hurt she would feel and I didn't want her to go through that.

"Okay, thank you Bella but you don't have to overthink this. Go to your room and I'll sort this out. " I told her pleading her with my eyes. And she got the gist and went back to her room. Immediately, I was on the phone with Luca telling him of my new discovery. He asked to meet up at the police station where he currently was.

I immediately got my keys and wallet and ran out of the house, telling Bella briefly I'd be right back. I met up with Luca at the police station. And the police explained to us how we could get their location but everything was first up to my mother. Was she really the one behind this and if she was we needed her to pick up her phone first.

The plan was going to go like this, My phone would be connected to some type of machine so we could get her location while on a call. All I needed to do was keep her on the phone long enough but first she had to pick up her phone and with the way our relationship had been the past few weeks I doubt she would but I should atleast try for the safety of the girls.

This was it, with every ring of the phone I could hear my heartbeat accelerate. The tension that was behind waiting was killing me, until she finally picked up.

"Yes? Gabriel is there a problem?" She said before I could utter a hello.

"Well, I've been thinking about what you said Mum." I said as slowly as and as least suspicious as I could. And Continued.

"I finally see what you say about Sierra being a gold digger, and an opportunist. She left me mum." I tried to sound as hurt and convincing as possible.

"See son, I told you. Don't worry I'm going to sort out everything tonight." And with that she cut the call. That was the shortest call I had ever had with her, did she realize what I was doing and what did she mean by she would take care of it tonight. We needed to hurry.

"Did you get something?" I asked the guy who was tapping my phone.

"Yes thankfully we got the exact location of where she's keeping them. It's quite far from here we have to hurry and get them before night falls." The police man replied instead.

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