Chapter 23

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Gabriel's POV

After what Luca told me every form of sleep left my body. I didn't know to feel, one part of me was happy and the other was angry. Why did she disappear like that? Did the time we spent together mean nothing to her. All these thoughts running through my mind but only one person could answer them. And it was Sierra alone.
Deciding to start my day early as I couldn't sleep anymore, I went over to the gym and worked out for almost 2hours. I didn't know what to do this morning. James had called me and cancelled my photoshoot saying it would have to hold tomorrow, reasons being that the photographer had a prior engagement but I didn't even want to do the shoot anywhere so that was good news for me and I wouldn't be going in Collins Inc until the afternoon.

I decided to call Luca and see where he was but his line wasn't going through. I guess I had to go look for something to do then. By 10 I decided to get some work done and grab breakfast. So I made myself some toast and eggs which I took alongside orange juice. Immediately after I had a shower and got ready to head over to Collins holding and Inc. It was currently 1:20pm, I had finally gotten to my soon to be office for a while. I would be working from here for the time being until this branch would become stable as a part of our company and then I would leave someone in charge and fly back to Florida. That was the plan. But plans could change and I would soon come to learn that.

Walking into the building, I realized that it didn't need much of a renovation as a the interior looked pretty sophisticated, the only thing we really needed to do was change the sign on the building and maybe my soon to be office if I didn't like it. I stepped into the elevators which were walking pretty okay and also made a mental note to myself that it didn't need too much work either. I pressed in the button with the number of the floor I was headed towards into it, the elevator came to a stop when I reached the 3rd floor. I then walked over to the lady sitting on the front desk which was the receptionist. Inquired about Mr. Collins office and she looked quite frightened after I said who I was but reassuring her I don't bite she showed me to the door of Mr. Collins' office. I thanked her and she was on her way, everyone on this floor had their attention drawn to me, I guess they were all thinking the same thing. 'Could this be their new boss' they would come to find out sooner than later. Without further ado I walked into Mr. Collins' office. He was in with someone and I totally forgotten to knock but it was technically my office anyway. He invited me in and then the female he was talking with turned towards me finally.
And I had soon come to stop in my tracks as I recognised this face from yesterday. This would be one hell of a time I said to myself.

Sierra's POV

"I'm sorry if I interrupted something I would come back later if you're busy, Gabriel said. I mean Mr. Giovanni said. This man standing in front of me is different from the one I last saw two years ago I better start putting myself in check. Plus when did he become this polite, apologies and all. I gave an internal eye roll thinking back to the times when he would get so angry with me and saying one or two hurtful things and the biggest one of all that caused me pain but that was all in the past I had to put on my big girl pants. Mr Collins had already invited him to have a seat and I was still there looking like a deer caught in headlights so I regained my composure,cleared my throat and introduced myself.

I stretched out my hands towards him.
"Good afternoon Mr. Giovanni, I'm Mr. Collins P.A, miss Sierra Hughes." I was so happy I decided to use my mothers maiden name to apply for this job, I wanted to leave everything behind. Unfortunately I couldn't leave my name as I would be committing a crime of identity theft to get a new identity. And it's not like I'm in some kind of protection program either. I looked at his face seeing if there was any change when my name was mentioned. There was a slight change in his facial expression but it was gone as fast as it came.
My hand was still awkwardly stretched out in front of me and he finally took my hand in his and I felt electricity ripple through my body with the sudden change from this unwanted emotion I immediately withdrew my hands from his. I didn't like how my hands in his made me feel at all. Should I just resign to make the unwanted past from resurfacing it's ugly head? But with my subconscious reminding me that even if I denied it as much as I wanted. This so called past that was ugly was also something spectacular to me even if it was just for sometime, plus that would be a cowardly thing of me to do as long as I don't give off my identity or act in a suspicious way everything would be good. And that would have to start with my favourite accessory being in my pocket for the time being.

"Mr. Giovanni it's so nice for you to be here today." Mr Collins started speaking. "I thought you wouldn't be coming in as you didn't give us a time and it was way past morning"

"Well Mr.Collins I wouldn't miss my tour of this place for anything. I had prior meetings this morning. I'm sorry for not informing you about that although it was cancelled. Plus we have a meeting in less than 30minutes right?" I just sat quietly as they spoke to each other like friends that hadn't meant in long time only raising up my head when I heard my name being called.
"Sierra here would show you around the office. Would you like to do it quickly before the meeting or afterwards?" Mr. Giovanni looked at me at that moment and I had to remove my gaze from him, immediately he looked back in Mr. Collins' direction.
"It's up to your P.A really. I'm ready anytime she's ready." All with a smile on his smug handsome face. Urghhhhh I really need to stop. Deciding it would be better to get this over with as soon as possible. I spoke letting him now that we should start right away and that's where I am right now showing my 'New boss' around the office. Were we destined to always be employer and employee? Probably. it's quite something that the same thing is happening over again well in different circumstances though.

The building we stay in wasn't that big so I quickly took him round, we were more than halfway through the tour and deciding It would be better to continue after the meeting which would start any minute from now. Since we started this tour he hardly really said much, just the occasional professional question here and there. And I felt relieved a little that he couldn't recognize me from yesterday or maybe he did but was playing the fool either way I am grateful cause I'm not in the any mood to start up a personal conversation.

The meeting had gone by faster than you could say Robinson Crusoe and I was about ready to step out from the conference room when he stopped me.
"Are we really going to pretend we haven't met before" and my heart sunk down to my feet, was this charade I was playing that obvious, could he tell I was really Sierra from 2years ago? I decided to play it safe with my reply.
"I'm sorry sir, I don't really know what you're talking about" he looked at me like I was some puzzle he was trying to fix. "You're telling me you don't remember me from yesterday?" At the realization that he meant us meeting yesterday I immediately felt better and reassured myself that my secret is infact still safe.
"Ohh yess, I remember now from the restaurant. I'm really sorry I knew I had seen the face but I couldn't really pinpoint. Plus millions of businessmen walk into our store for lunch or dinner meetings and I got your face mixed up." He scoffed and made a very Gabriel remark. "My face is too unique to get mixed up with other regular men. I'm Gabriel Giovanni, your new boss make sure you remember my face from now on." And with a smirk he walked out boldly like he owned the whole world. And my subconscious reminded me that although I hated that thought he probably did own the whole world.

Thanks for sticking with me guyss, hope you stay till the end . Next chapter coming up soon.
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