Chapter 22

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Gabriel's POV

I opened my eyes abruptly to the faint sound of mozart playing on the jet, heaving not so gently. For a moment i didnt know where i was only to realize I was on my way to New York to make more money as always.

I had that nightmare again, the one where i would fall into a pit of darkness and I'll never find the light, only for me to see the figure of a woman standing close to the pathway of light, reaching out for her and at the point where we are meant to touch each other, I wake up. Sometimes i was scared to close my eyes not knowing if when i opened them I would see again. I was afraid of darkness and also afraid of what the light could bring. The last time it brought something to me, She ran away.

"Mr. Giovanni put on your seatbelt. We're about to land." One of my bodyguards informed me. Doing just that i relaxed into my seat and looked out the window. This was New York and I'm meant to be here until my new job acquisition could become part and parcel in the GN group of companies. I came down from the jet and walked towards my matte blue tesla that was parked at the airport. I had a weakness for cars, I loved them to nothing. I had different makes and types in my home.

I entered into the drivers seat of the car and decided to drive myself to my temporary apartment. My mum would flip if she saw me. After the incident 2 years ago she forbade me from ever driving a car but I was a young blooded man and it was not possible that i would not drive again and only depend on drivers.

"Jonathan, can you send the directions to my apartment please. I'll be waiting."

Immediately the line went dead, he sent it to my phone and then i connected it to my car. Jonathan was my P.A back in Florida and he was pretty efficient. I hope whoever ends up being my P.A at Collins dealership was even as half as efficient as Jonathan is. I drove over to my apartment complex and packed my car in front of the building. Stepped out and headed straight for the doors, got out my keys and turned them into the hole of the door.

The apartment complexes here were arranged just like basic houses and it was like a mini estate type of thing. I was exhausted from the flight and i needed to have a shower ASAP. Whoever did the decor was pretty good, I noticed. And then a call came in stopping my train of thoughts.

"Hello Jonathan? Is there a problem?"

"Uhmm none sir, i just wanted to remind you of youre schedule. You have a business meeting at Bloomings restaraunt on wednesday by 7pm and then on Thursdays you have a meeting with Mr. Fredrick Collins,CEO of Collins dealership. That's all for this week sir."

"Okay, So I'm free this weekend yes?"

"Yes, sir you are."

"Thanks, make sure everything's going smoothly back home in Florida, if any problem arises call me immediately."

"Sure thing. Have fun" and then the line went dead. Jonathan was also a close friend although he was younger than me but that didn't really matter. Age is basically just another random number. Feeling quite exhausted from the flight, I decided to have a quick shower and maybe get some work done and then ordered some Chinese for dinner.


Wednesday had come with full force and i didn't have much to do here in New York anyway. So I decided to go out to do some sight seeing. After driving round New York for almost 2hours, I decided to go to times square and walk around a little and maybe get something for my sister, she is meant to come in this weekend from Australia. I've honestly missed her alot. The last time we saw was when I went over to Australia to see her after the surgery and since then i haven't seen her in person. After getting her a purse from Gucci, I went over to where I packed my car and drove off towards my apartment to start getting ready for the meeting, this meeting was very important and the men who would be in it were very frivolous people and could be moved by money and status easily and i also knew those qualities would help me get this deal and it would also be as easy as abc.

I had gotten to the Restaruant where reservations were made and it was busy, filled with people. The place had a very warm and welcoming interior and i hoped the food would taste as good as people say it is. Apparently Jonathan made reservations for this place cause they had the best food and customer service around this part of New York.

I walked up to the front desk and asked about my reservation.
"Reservation for Gabriel Giovanni."

"Good evening sir" the receptionist said.
After typing in some words on the keyboard of the computer. She finally probably found my reservation.
"Right this way, Mr. Giovanni."

She took me to some room located privately at the back. Probably the business room we requested for.
"Your waiters will be here shortly" and with a nod she left the room. The room was really decorated appropriately. It had a more serious feeling or vibe to it.

The meeting finally commenced with the waiters stepping in a few minutes after, we all ordered what we wanted but somewhere within the line there was a mixup and of course these men would want to show their mannerless personalities because they felt like they had some type of upper hand because of the change they had in their bank accounts. I called for the manager to give some ease.

The manager walked into the room and must I say she was one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen and my heart did some type of leap when she came into sight. Had I met her before? What was this feeling that was brewing inside me? We were engaged in some sort of staring contest until she looked away from me and when she did that the warmth that emanated from her stare left me feeling cold all of a sudden.
Clearing my throat I finally found my voice to speak.
"Are you perhaps the manager?" She answered up immediately.
"Yes sir, I am. Did they make any sort of mistake?" Hearing her speak made something inside me stir was this her? The one who had helped me in my lowest time? But why wasn't she acting like she knew me?
Remembering clearly I was the only one who was blind.

Mr Amiel spoke up bringing me out of my reverie. She sounded so professional in this moment. Even with the stares these hungry old men were giving her, I got angry briefly with the way they were looking at her and I had an urge to protect her but we didn't know each other and I couldn't feel this way for someone I just met. At this point she had finished getting the orders of the others at the table and it was my turn to give my order. Deciding that there wouldn't be any harm in asking if we had met before I made up my mind to ask her and set my mind straight once and for all.
"I'm sorry but this might sound a bit crude but do I perhaps know you?" She looked quite taken aback for a second and in a split second her expression changed.

"I don't think we have Sir. New York is a big city it's hardly possible for you to have seen me." Well that was technically true but I couldn't write off this feeling that she was HER. Give her my orders I went straight back to business mode.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. And to no surprise it was Luca, he was the only one to call me at this hour as it wasn't even 5am yet. I really needed my sleep cause I had quite a lot to do today. A photoshoot with with Vogue and then I had to hurry over to the company we just bought here in New York to check up on everything. Although I wouldn't be starting work till Monday.
"Yesssss. Why are you calling me this early in the morning Luca." I finally decided to stop ignoring his call.
" Oh you're up. I thought you wouldn't be considering the time over there."
I couldn't believe him. "Oh my God Luca you obviously woke me up from sleep and why exactly are you calling me bro." He kept quiet all of a sudden and I was about to cut the call until he spoke up.
"Well I'll actually be coming to New York today. There's something I have to tell you."
"What's so important that you have to fly all the way to New York to tell me that you cant tell me through the phone." Another pause. "Well it's about Sierra" and with that every single form of sleep that was in my body quickly dissipated.

Wow guyss...... I'm back. I'm sorry for not posting for the past 4months. I didn't mean. I've been busy with school until this virus 😷 hit. I hope we're all staying home and staying safe. Since I really don't have much to do I have decided to finally finish what I started which is this book. I hope you guys give me the support to continue by reading and recommending to friends. Also vote for this book that would mean a lot to me. If you missed me and this book comment 'yasss' while reading. Anyways guys I'll see you in the next chapter. Stay tuned.

Bae_sereyy20 💫💫💫💗
Ig: sharonnsa_
Sc: Ron.nie12

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