Chapter Nineteen - Dangerous Territory

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Shock and anger fills his face as he looks down at my arm gripping his. He tries to fight my strength, but fails. I scoff at how pathetic he is. Once I let go, his hand flops back down to his side in defeat.

I clasp Elliott's freezing cold hand and she grips tightly.

"Get out." My words are firm, but calm.

"You can't talk to me that way."

"Get. Out." I repeat, forcing the words out through gritted teeth.

"Your walking on dangerous territory, Francis."

"I've had enough of your fucking threats." I scoff.

"You think you have the power here?" He laughs back at me. "You don't get the job. You don't get the art recognition. You don't get to travel the world on tour. Your career is over without me."

"I don't want anything that you control."

"You forget that I control you. Maybe not with work, but with Billie." He replies, pulling out a flask from the inner pocket of his suit jacket and swigging some whiskey down his throat. His stare is chilling and a smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth. "I got you to fuck everything up with her. Even if you tell her what I did, after the way you've treated her, who do you think she's going to trust?"

At that moment, Billie arises from under the table, leaving a look of horror frozen on Mike's face. She marched towards him, rage completely overtaking her whole body and mind. Her fist tightens as she gets closer, ready to punch Mike. Just before she succeeds, I let go of Elliott's hand, who is still cowering behind me, and place my arm in front of Billie, holding her back. She gives me a look of confused, but immediately calms as her eyes meet mine. I bring my hand back down to hold Ell's.

"You are fucking fired. Get your disgusting ass out of my office. And don't even think of trying something - I've texted Finneas and he's on his way with Claudia." Billie says firmly.

Mike tries to find something to say to explain himself, but fails and marches into the lift.

Elliott collapses onto the floor and I instantly drop to the floor to hold her. Billie's eyes are stuck on the elevator - Mike was like family to her, he's been there with her since the start of her fame.

A few moments later, Claudia and Finneas enter the office. They both join me on the floor by Ell, who's face has lost all colour and hands are shaking uncontrollably.

"We need to take her somewhere else." Claudia says, lifting her up in his arms.

"My place is the closest. I'll drive." Finneas replies.

I look over to Billie, who's still frozen. "You three go ahead."

Finneas nods, and they leave.

I turn to Billie and wrap my arms around her. The second she feels my touch, her knees buckle. I hold her up and she grips onto my dress, nestling her face in my neck. A quiet sob leaves her mouth, as she begins to cry silently, breathing erratically. I can feel her tears soak through my clothes. I bring one hand to hold her head, the other still wrapped around her waist. We slowly fall to floor as her cries become louder and more shrill. I don't say anything - I just hug her firmly. We sit like this until she quiets, and then stay there for a little longer in silence, allowing her to process everything that's happened.

After a while, she croakily whispers. "I don't know how to do this without him."

"Hey, don't worry about that, right now. We'll figure it out. Let's get you home."


"Billie! Are you all right, my love?" Maggie asks worriedly, pulling her into a tight hug before she's even got through the front door.

IF WE WERE MEANT TO BE // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now