Chapter Thirty Six - Yes.

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"Do you even get why I'm pissed off?" She says, turning to me. I stand at the top of the stairs not saying a word. She scoffs to herself and then pulls out two rings: one gold, one silver.

Francis' PoV:

"Billie." I say alarmed. "You know I love you because your impulsive but this-"

"Chilllll, dude." She laughs. "They're promise rings. I know it's cringey and shit. I was going to give it to you after dinner, but then everything went down with Elliott..." Looking up at me she notices I'm not smiling, but instead I look more unhappy than before. "Fuck. It was a shit idea. I didn't mean to put pressure-"

"No, it's not that. This is... everything." I reply, giving a small, sad laugh. "I just- it should be me giving these rings. I've been the one who's left, not you. I keep fucking up."

"Are you serious? You wanted to protect your job when you barely knew me. And then your lifelong friend died, Francis. You've handled shit better than anyone else would've."

I take a seat on the step which I'm standing on. "I feel more for you than anyone else I've ever known. And I pushing myself away from that because it's easier to control feelings which I actually have control over."

She comes and takes a seat beside me, not saying anything.

"I can't take the ring because I'm scared to break the promise. What if something else happens and that same fucked up part of me-"

She takes me hand and puts the ring on my finger. "Yo, you can't think that way."

I slide my hand into hers and squeeze her tightly. Then, getting up from the stair, I step onto the lower one and crouch in front of her. "You given me this. And, I don't have a ring to physically promise myself to you. But, I can with a word."

She furrows her brows. I take both her hands in mine and I begin to nervously play with her rings. She takes one hand out of mine and tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear, causing me to stop fidgeting and look up at her. She smiles, knowing what I'm going to say.

"Girlfriend." I whisper. "Call me your girlfriend. Call me yours. Because every part of me already belongs to you."

Her smiles instantly grows into a grin. She takes me face in her hands and kisses me. I instantly melt into her but neither of us can kiss properly because we can't get rid of our smiles.

"So, I'm taking that as a yes?" I joke between our lips touching and parting for air.

"Yes." She whispers, us finally breaking apart, only to stay millimetres away from each other. "Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes." She falls into a state of giggles, wrapping her arms tightly around me and covering my neck in kisses.

I squeeze her back tightly, knowing that nothing could ever feel as good as this moment. We've both dedicated ourselves to each other. There is no more fear, or control, or complications. It's us, together.

"I can't believe we did this shit in a grotty ass stairwell." She laughs. "You wanna get outta here?"

"We got something to do first." I answer, raising and eyebrow.


We walk into Finneas and Claudia's AirBnB again. They both look worried. Elliott looks disappointed that we clearly haven't broken up.

Billie gives me a small smirk, a glint of mischief sparkles in her eyes. We walk over to the table in silence and sit down, looking at the food on our plates. I give her a little look and she nods, making it harder for me to contain my laugh. I move the fork off the plate, unwrap the burrito and take a handful of of the filling.

"Francis, what are you-" Claudia starts. Before she can finish, I've thrown the filling at Elliott face. It completely covers her face and she looks horrified. Suddenly, a massive bit of it plops onto her white top and Bil let's out a massive snort, and we both fall into uncontrollable, shrieking laughter. She takes my hand and we get up from the table.

"Thank you for dinner." She says, before taking a pile of cheese and slowly sprinkling it on Elliott's face, who is still frozen with disgust. "Burrito's have never been such a satisfying meal."

"Guys, what the-" Fin calls, but we run out and shut the door behind us, once again erupting in giggles.

Running down the stairs and out the building, we end up in the London rain. I throw my arms out either side of me and begin to spin around, throwing my hair back laughing and I get drenched.

Bringing my hands down and opening my eyes, I see Billie, watching me, completely soaked. A smile grows on the corner of her lips.

"What?" I grin.

"You're mine." She smirks. I love seeing the light in her eyes as she says it - there's been too much sadness.

I put out my hand for her to take. She looks around at the public area, then back at me with confusion.

"We'll figure out how this going to work later. But, right now, no one is going to be out at night in the rain, so will you please just take my hand and let me walk my girlfriend home."

She smiles widely, her tongue peeping out between her teeth. Her fingers intwine with mine and we dramatically swing our arms back and forth as we walk back to my flat.


Entering my apartment, we're soaking wet and in a bundle of giggles. I help her take her hoodie off, but her t-shirt gets stuck with it, making us laugh even harder as I can't get it off her head. Finally managing to do so, I wrap a towel around her and she smiles sweetly, her dishevelled hair making and clumped eyelashes making her look adorable.

"Quit staring." She whispers.

My mind is instantly brought back to the moment we first met.

She sits there for a few minutes, patting my cuts with her jumper. I smile to myself, noticing her tongue sticking out from the side of her mouth as she focuses. I can't help but watch her - she's so beautiful.

"Quit staring." She jokes, keeping her eyes on my hand. An uncontrollable smile grows, no matter how hard she tries to prevent it.

She looks up at me, leaving our faces millimetres apart. I can feel her warm breath on my skin. She looks down to my lips, then back to my eyes, her breath becoming more shaky.

"Is this how all your meet and greets go?" I tease. She grins.

It's funny to think how far we've come.

We go to my sofa, I turn on 'The Office', and we slowly fall asleep in each other's arms.

A/n: reading your guys' comments throughout writing this has been my favourite part, so i'm going to start give shoutouts to people :)

IF WE WERE MEANT TO BE // Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now