Chapter Thirty Seven - I don't smoke

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I wake up at the touch of Billie's lips on mine. As I open my eyes, she grins and lets out a little giggle. I cup her face and go to kiss her but she pulls away.

"Nah, we got shit to do. Get your ass up."

I smirk at her, grab her arm and pull her back onto the sofa, making her squeal.

"Five more minutes." She whispers. I grin, as we both know there'll be another 'five more minutes' when this five is up.

My phone rings and she clambers off, going over to the coffee machine.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Francis, this is Lucy from the publishing house. I thought I'd let you know that Luke's book is ready for print."

"Are you serious?" I reply, sitting up with excitement.

"It'll be out in a few weeks. If you need anything else, give me a ring."

"Thank you. Thank you so much - for everything."

I hang up and bring my hand to my mouth, grinning. I can't believe it. His wish had finally come true and now I've honoured his life. He'll never be forgotten now as long as at least one of his books is on a bookshelf.

"Yo, can I use your shower?" Billie asks, walking over to me behind the sofa. I lean my head back to see her and nod. She gives me a peck on the lips and starts to walk off.

"You can use my toothbrush, too." I tease.

She runs back and rolls over the back of the sofa onto my lap, then begins to breathe on my face. I push her off the sofa and she pulls me onto the ground with her, causing my head to hit the corner of the coffee table. We erupt into giggles and she brings her hand to my head, pouting her lips.

A loud knock makes us both jump out of our skin. Billie goes to open the door.

"Real nice dinner manners." Finneas says sarcastically as she rolls her eyes. He walks in and takes a seat on my couch.

"How did you find my place?" I ask, a little concerned.

"You really think security wouldn't put a tracker on Bil's phone?"

"Dude, that's creepy as hell." She protests.

"You can complain later, we gotta go meet Danny."

"I thought he went back to LA?" I ask.

"He left with the thought that we would be on the next flight out. But, clearly that's not happening for a while."

"Wait, no." I say, looking at Billie and giving a small laugh. "You're not staying here. What about work?"

"Fuck that shit, bro. Finneas has already tried to drag my ass back to LA."

He rolls his eyes and turns to me. "It's been nice for Claudia to spend more time with her sister, plus London is like Maggie's second home. So we're going to try and work on her career form here."

I smile to myself, seeing the lengths people are going to because they know Billie won't leave my side.


Billie's currently in a studio room, working on a new song.

I don't really know what to do with myself - I'm so used to working for her and that job used to take up all my time. It's been nice to see her team again but I feel a bit lost.

Walking out of the building, I go to get some fresh air. When I walk out, Elliott's sat on the step, having a joint. It almost mirrors how she looked when I first met her at that club.

She offers me a drag. I roll my eyes and begin to walk back into the building. She instantly gets onto the feet and calls after me. I stop, and turn back to her. This is for Billie. For her family. For Claudia. I can tolerate Elliott for them.

"I don't smoke."

"You didn't the first time I met you, either."

"I don't care. Billie hates that shit."

"But you don't."

"I'd rather have the girlfriend over the high, thanks." I snap.

She pauses. "I shouldn't have said what I did, last night - about you and Billie. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be a dick."

I'm almost about to yell at her - about Mike, about the leaked photo, about her words against Billie. But I feel like I'm going in circles with her, so instead I give a small smile. She gives a reassured one back.

"I'm not gonna hold you on your past. But, I swear to God, if you try something-"

"-I won't. I do want to be your friend."

Friends is an overstatement, but as long as we're civil, hopefully she won't hurt Bil.

"Elliott." I hear from behind us in a cold, hard tone. Billie walks up to us and Ell goes to says something, but instead looks at me then leaves.

"What's that bitch saying now?"

"Nothing. It's ok."

She looks at the joint butt on the floor. "Yo, you didn't smoke any of this, right?"

I shake my head and she sighs with relief.

"I spoke to Danny."

I look up with wide eyes.

"He's always been chill about our relationship. But, he doesn't think we should make it official publicly. He gets that there are going to be pictures and videos and that people are going to guess shit, but he thinks it's better to keep my sexuality and love life a mystery. And now, you're just part of the mystery."

Thoughts run through my mind, my eyes stuck on the distance. "Okay, that works."

"You really think I don't know when your lying?" She laughs. "Yo, tell me."

I take her hand and spin her around, landing her in my arms. "I just wanna be able to do this." I kiss her. "And this."

"Danny can get on board." She jokes back.

With my fingers still wrapped around hers, I begin to walk back to the door. She doesn't walk with me.

"There's one more thing."

I stop in my tracks and turn back. Of course there is.

"If I'm just with you, there will be too much certainty of my relationship to the public. So, to make it more mysterious, I'm going to have a few dates with someone. Fake dates. It has to be with someone who everyone knew. Who I know so it would look like a likely situation."

"It's fine, I trust you." I reply, my heart thumping with worry.

She scoffs, knowing I won't be saying that after the words "Jordan. It's with Jordan."

She's right. I laugh. Fuck no.

A/N: *enter a shit ton of destruction*

Both Elliott and Jordan... fuckkkk

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