Chapter 2

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"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on"

Months came and went and the Cullens stayed in Alaska. All with exception of Edward who was in Brazil. Not that anyone other than Emilia knew of his whereabouts.

Esme had taken to homeschooling Emilia who didn't want to start in a new school in the beginning of her Senior year. She spent her days studying and exploring but she missed Sam dearly and longed for one of Emily's muffins.

So, Carlisle had allowed to her to go visit Forks for the weekend by herself. She was almost 18, anyways. She drove Edward's Volvo, a car she had inherited while Edward was away and she got her own.

Pulling into the old driveway, she sighed as she stared up at the house. She missed it. Emilia missed waking up in her old bedroom and going to her old school. Bella had ruined it all.

First, Emilia made herself a sandwich. She wasn't sure if she would be able to see Sam and Emily just yet, considering that the pack was usually all at Emily's at this time.

She would have to go late, so late that maybe Sam wouldn't even be there.

Emilia decided to spend the day at La Push anyways. Nobody from the pack knew who she was anyways and no one would question a random girl at the beach. They would chalk her up as a resident of Forks.

Besides, if the pack reported to Sam, he wouldn't bother her. He trusted Emilia.

She grabbed the Volvo keys again and set off for the La Push Beach. It wasn't warm but it wasn't cold either so it seemed like a good day for the beach. She parked slightly farther from the other cars, trying to hide the Volvo from those who might recognize it. Not that anyone would pay that much attention.

Emilia walked towards the cliffs, to a sot nobody knew of. It was hidden right under the lowest cliff, a mini private beach on a mini cliff where someone could think in peace. It was surrounded by rocks and overshadowed by the cliff above it. For those who did find it, it might seem dangerous. But to Emilia, it was a good place to hide away.


Embry was exhausted. Ever since he had shifted, his life had become draining. He had to avoid his friends and take their snide comments. He had to avoid his mother and take her shouts when she did confront him. He had to patrol nightly and wake up early for school. It was hard for him and he was tired of it.

The beach had always been relaxing for him. Especially in his special spot, a place that nobody knew of. It was quiet and hidden, just what he needed in that moment. He just wanted to hide away from his problems.

His spot was a mini cliff, such a short fall that there was no rush, not even for humans. It was covered in sand and surrounded by rocks that made the path there seem like a dead end. Embry had found it when wandering one day after school. 

Yet, when he arrived at his spot, he saw a girl already there. She sat silently, her legs dangling over the edge. She hadn't noticed his presence and seemed to be caught up in her own thoughts.

"You can sit you know" Embry jumped as she turned to face him, her eyes locking with his. Instantly, it was like time stopped.

"Em, you really need to get some sleep"

"I know. When I get home from patrol, my mom throws a fit though. She doesn't let me sleep"

She ran her fingers through his hair. "Let's take a nap, then"


"You can't control what I do or not, Embry!"

"My job is to protect you, Emilia! And you doing this makes my job a lot harder!"

"I can protect myself!"

"I know you can but I can't help it. I need you safe, Lia"

Her frown fell and she reached up, cradling his face in her hand. "I'll be safe, I promise"

"That's all I ask"

Embry snapped out of his trance as the girl before him looked away. He had just found his imprint.

"Um, are you okay?"

He cleared his throat and nodded, looking away from her. "I'll go-"

"-no, it's fine. I don't mind"

Embry awkwardly walked up and sat next to her, the wolf inside of him begging to get closer.

"I've never seen you around before. Do you live in Forks?"

The girl, Emilia he assumed, shook her head, smiling softly as she looked at the water. "No, I'm just visiting. I used to live there though. What about you?"

Embry's face fell after hearing the she didn't live in Forks. "I live in La Push. How long are you staying?"

"Just the weekend. I have to get back to my family"

He frowned. He had finally found his imprint and she was already leaving him.

"Oh, I almost forgot. I'm Emilia" she offered him his hand. He smiled, he was right on her name.

"I'm Embry. Embry Call"

"Embry, hmm. Well, it's nice to meet you, Embry Call" he loved the way his name sounded coming from her mouth.

"And it's nice to meet you, Emilia"

If Embry had noticed how Emilia didn't give him her surname, he didn't say anything.

The two continued talking until the sun began to set and Embry checked his watch. He frowned, he had patrol soon.

"I better get going" he murmured.

Emilia stood up after him. "Me too, it was nice hanging out, Embry"

"Wait!" He shouted. She turned instantly.


"When will you get back?"

She shrugged. "I'm not sure"

"Well when you do come back, come here? Maybe we can see each other again?"

Emilia grinned, she knew Embry was nervous. She leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

"I'll be here when I come back. Promise"

Embry grinned back at her and then ran off.

Emilia walked back to the Volvo and hummed to herself. Embry was just as warm as Sam was.

That meant that Embry was also a wolf.

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