Chapter 15

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"Love is like war: easy to begin but very hard to stop."

The sun came up and Seth tapped into his mind link with the pack

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The sun came up and Seth tapped into his mind link with the pack.

It was time for the battle to begin. Seth showed Emilia the events of the morning in which Edward and Bella admitted they were engaged, Jacob found out, Bella and Jacob kissed (more like made out), Bella found out she was in love with Jacob, and Bella told Edward she loved him more.

All this in the span of twenty minutes or less. Crazy.

Anyways, the battle had begun, Jacob joining in shortly after the rest of the wolves became involved.

Emilia and Seth were on high alert for any stray, hungry newborns but for the most part were relaxed, waiting for whatever would come next.

Seth gave Emilia a play by play of the battle, particularly focusing on Embry.

"He just killed another one" Seth thought. "And he helped Quil with one. Embry is on fire."

Emilia laughed at Seth's last thought, picking up a rock and throwing it at a tree. She was bored. There was nothing to do for however long the fight took.

As interesting as Seth's thoughts of the battle were, she didn't want to think of it anymore.

Seth suddenly perked up, Emilia looking at him instantly. "Seth, what is it?"

"I can smell a vampire. It's alone but it's heading this way."

"Go, Seth." Emilia commanded, standing up. Seth nodded his furry head, slipping away. He began to speed up, running to trace the vampire that was heading towards them.

Emilia stood up, becoming defensive. She channeled her powers, letting them overcome her. Taking a deep breath, she turned as she felt someone's eyes on her. The red eyes she met were familiar, eyes she had seen in Alice's visions.

Riley Biers.

He began to approach her, the snow crunching beneath his boots. He was walking slowly as if to not frighten her, yet the sadistic smirk on his face said otherwise.

"Riley." Emilia began, thinking of a quick diversion for Seth to attack. "Listen to me. Victoria is just using you to distract me. She knows I'll kill you."

Riley didn't stop, continuing forward. His smile fell, his face becoming stoic. Emilia didn't move back or show signs of fear. She was strong enough to take him on if it came to it, newborn or not.

"Edward and I, we can read her mind. So I'm not lying when I say, I know what she truly thinks of you."

Riley suddenly stopped, his eyebrow raised. His facial expression didn't change and Emilia read his mind. The gears in his brain were already turning. It was working. He was beginning to doubt Victoria.

"She only created you and this army to avenge her true mate, James. Edward killed him so she wants to kill his mate. It's the only thing he cares about, not you."

Riley turned his head as if expecting Victoria or Edward to show up and contradict Emilia. Still, he said nothing and turned back to her. He was confused.

"Think about it. You're from Forks. You know the area. That's the only reason she chose you."

Riley began to again look around, looking at the ground beneath him and then the surrounding area. His face began to shift as did his stance.

Emilia realized that he didn't believe her. He couldn't bring himself to believe her.

As he began to step forward, Emilia prepared her powers. The vibration in her palm said it all; it was time for her to foght.

"You're dead" were the first and only words Riley spoke. He prepared to lunge forward before Seth jumped on him, growling and snapping.

Emilia let out a deep breath as Seth thrashed Riley around, biting off his hand. Emilia heard the sound of glass shattering as Seth spit out the pale hand. Riley stared at the stub left behind, letting out a scream/roar at the pain.

Seth continued, Emilia pushing Riley down on the snow and keeping him there as Seth did his job. Riley continued to scream, stiffening.

Suddenly Riley stood up, kicking Seth back. Emilia reacted instantly, throwing Riley against a tree while keeping her distance as best as possible. Seth bounced back immediately, running towards Riley as Emilia made him hit the tree repeatedly until he fell to the snow.

Seth bit down on Riley's shoulder, dragging him to the side of the mountain. Riley began to shout for Victoria, begging for her to come help him. But Emilia knew better.

Victoria was currently fighting and losing to Edward. She wouldn't come for Riley, not anymore. She had no use of him no.

Seth finished him off and threw his head aside, Emilia letting out a sigh of relief. "Step back, Seth" she muttered, the wolf following her command.

A ring of fire surrounded Riley's body before engulfing it, the two relaxing.

Riley was dead.

"It's over. Edward killed Victoria and the fight just ended." Seth informed Emilia who nodded. Picking up the rest of their things, Emilia went down the mountain, Seth close behind.

The two made it down just as Bella and Edward did, Emilia raising an eyebrow at Bella's injured arm.

"The Volturi are coming." Alice announced, everyone tensing.

"The wolves have to go." Emilia said, everyone nodding in agreement.

"You go with them. It's safer for you that way." Carlisle told her, Emilia turning to comply.

A newborn jumped out from behind a boulder, Leah racing to take him down. It became apparent she would lose and Jacob ran forward, the newborn crushing his ribcage. The rest of the pack then attacked, ripping him to shreds.

Jacob shifted back, rolling in pain. Bella and Emilia ran towards him, settling at his sides as he cried out from the pain he was experiencing.

The rest of the pack ran out.

"Damn it, Jacob, I had it!"

"Leah!" Sam called out. Carlsile kneeled next to Sam.

"His expedited healing is already kicking in."

"2 minutes, Carlisle"

"We'll take him to Billy's."

The pack carefully picked Jacob up, Paul reassuring Jake as Emilia followed behind to Billy's.

Once there they heard a scream and shared a look. Something had happened.

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