Chapter 30

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"Life is so short, so fast the lone hours fly, we ought to be together, you and I."

Jacob sat down in his usual seat at the table, the seat feeling cold but familiar

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Jacob sat down in his usual seat at the table, the seat feeling cold but familiar. This was the third time that he had come to Emily's and it was as if he never left.

No, he would not rejoin Sam's pack. It was better this way, for him at least. He and Sam worked better as two alphas anyways.

His eyes drifted to Embry, who looked better but was still pale.

"Jake, do you know when Leah comes back?"

Embry's eyes shot to Jacob, who tried his best to reassure Embry but still keep the secret of the two girl's return date.

"They'll be back before Thanksgiving, that's all I know. They already bought the tickets though."

"That's only two weeks from now." Embry muttered to himself, pushing his plate away from him.

Jake and Emily shared a look before glancing over at Embry, who was looking down. Jacob had spoken to Emilia, had seen her face and she looked just as bad as Embry. Sure, she put on a strong front but anybody who knew her could tell something was up.

"Embry, can we talk?" Jacob stood up from the table, Embry raising an eyebrow at him.

"We are talking."

"No, outside. In private."

Embry shrugged before standing as well, following Jacob outside. He saw the taller boy walking off to the woods, Embry following after him.

"What do you want, Jake?"

"Thanksgiving day."


"That's when they'll be back. When Emma will be back."

"Why didn't you say that before?"

"Emma wanted it to be kept a bit of a secret. So she could return peacefully."

Embry kept silent, kicking at the rocks before him.

"She misses you. Everytime I talk to her, she asks about you. It's a bit annoying really."

"Then why doesn't she call me?"

Jacob sighed, stopping Embry from walking any further. "If she was to call you, what would you say?"

Embry paused to think about it. Too much had gone down, too much had changed since they last saw each other. Everything he wanted to say was best said in person, everything he needed to say had to be done in person.

"Exactly." Jacob said, beginning to walk again.

"Where is she? Is she okay?"

"I can't tell you where she is, I don't even know. I can tell you that she is okay. Not at her best but okay."

"Man, I miss her. When I saw you two almost kiss, I realized just how badly I need her."

Jacob froze as Embry mentioned the kiss, rolling his eyes at the smirk forming on Embry's face. "Seriously? I feel guilty enough about it as it is. I'm sorry about that, by the way."

"Nah, I'm over it. As long as it didn't actually happen, I'm cool."

Jacob laughed, punching Embry's shoulder. "I missed you, bro."

"I missed you too. Sam was scared that I would leave his pack for your pack."


"I had lost the most. My best friend, my soulmate. All in the same day."

"Did you want to join my pack?"

"At the beginning, yes. But after I while, I realized that they are my brothers. I can't leave them. They were there for me when you and Quil hated me, remember. Besides, I found out that Sam and I are half brothers. Don't tell anybody, though. No one else knows."

"I won't, promise. But just know Embry, if you ever want to leave, there is always a place for you in my pack."

"I know, bro. I'll keep it in mind."

"Man it's so weird. We haven't talked like this in a while."

"Yeah, well, the whole baby fiasco tore us apart."

"I'm just glad it's over."

"And now you have an imprint."

Jacob laughed as the two continued to joke around, walking back to Emily's.

Embry felt immensely better knowing that soon, Emilia would be back. He made it his goal to get her back because the time apart had hurt both of them. They both had things to say and things to share.

They needed each other and Embry hoped that soon, they would be back together.

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