Chapter 22

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"Hearts are made to be broken."

Emilia exited the Cullen house after Bella fell asleep, mentally exhausted.

It had only been 24 hours, yet it felt like an eternity. She had come back home to Seth, and Leah patrolling the house, Jacob inside. Jacob had gone inside and explained what Sam's plan was after Jacob and Seth left. Emilia gave Leah and Seth clothes and food before heading inside to check on Bella.

She felt empty, as if half of her was missing. She began to feel sick and had thrown up multiple times before heading to bed. Emilia didn't sleep much, as she was in a lot of pain. She was much paler and even resembled Bella a bit. It was sad considering how Bella looked near dead. Carlisle and Jacob explained how it was the imprint taking effect as she and Embry had separated and were rejecting each other.

Emilia couldn't help but wonder how Embry felt, her questions answered when Leah told her the Embry was one of the wolves surrounding the Cullen home.

Eventually, Emilia had to leave Bella's side to try to recover herself. The pain became stronger, her head was constantly pounding, and she could barely hold any food down. She felt like she was dying and part of her thought that maybe, she actually was dying.

Emilia smiled at Seth as his wolf ran by.

He walked up to her, her hand burrowing into his fur. "Hey Seth."

He whined, looking questionably at her. "I'm feeling better. I just need some fresh air. I'll be fine, okay?"

He barked before running off, Emilia laughing slightly before surveying the forest. It was eerily quiet, too quiet. The darkness seemed to cover everything and she sighed, taking a seat. Jacob sat next to her, his arm wrapping around her shoulders.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told the pack."

Emilia shrugged. "He would've found out eventually." She pulled on the sleeves of her sweater, Jacob noticing.


"Kind of" he threw his flannel over Emilia, her smiling gratefully at him. Jacob stood up, dusting off his jeans before holding out a hand towards Emilia.

"Walk with me?" He offered, Emilia shrugging. She took his hand, standing up as well. They began to walk deeper into the forest, conscious of keeping close to the house.

Both looked around, listening for any sign of the Uley pack that had been around the house for the whole day.

"I can't hear them anymore, you know. Not since I left."

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