Chapter 41

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"I open at the close."

Emilia and Embry stood before the Cullen's home, Emilia's hand resting over her tiny bump

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Emilia and Embry stood before the Cullen's home, Emilia's hand resting over her tiny bump. It had just begun to form as the baby was just as supernatural as his parents.

"It was a pleasure to meet and train with you." Benjamin told Emilia, Emilia hugging him.

"I'll see you soon, Benjamin." The man smiled once more before joining Amun's side, the Egyptian coven running off.

Embry draped his arm over her shoulder, kissing her head. "Aren't you glad this is all over?"

Emilia nodded. "And know that Bella is a vampire, there are no more conflicts."

The witches approached the couple, all four smiling. "Emilia, you are so much like your mother." Asteria began, pulling Emilia into a hug.

"You are. We are proud of you and the woman you have become." Mirabelle added.

"Thank you. For everything. Truly, it meant a lot."

"Thank you for trusting us." Andy said, Emilia hugging the group.

"Can I say goodbye?" Marcel's voice sounded, the witches nodding.

"We will see you soon." Noemi said before they left, apparating away.

"You are such a badass, rival."

"And you are too, warrior." Marcel laughed, hugging Emilia.

"Take care of her for me." He told Embry, the two shaking hands.

"I will. Expect an invite to our wedding."

Marcel nodded. "I will. Also, Emma, keep using that power. That was so cool, what you did to Jane."

Emilia giggled but nodded, Marcel flashing a smile before running off.

"It's really done, huh?"

"Yeah, it is." Embry told his fiancée.

"It's crazy. We only met what, a year and a half ago? And so much has happened."

"Bella went to Italy to save Edward with Alice and I." Embry began.

"The newborn army."

"Bella got pregnant while still human."

"The Volturi coming for us."

"And your pregnancy."

The couple kissed, Emilia giggling as Embry tickled her sides.

She gasped as a vision overcame her.

"Mom, dad?! Something's wrong with Kai!"

Emilia and Embry ran outside to where their son waited for them, a wolf standing before the couple.

"You could have just said he shifted, Kian." Embry told his son, Kian shrugging in response.

"What's the fun in that?"

Emilia sighed, approaching her son carefully. "Kai, sweetheart, listen to me. You have to focus on us. Your dad will help you, I promise."

"Okay, Kai, just focus on your human form. Imagine your body and you will shift back. And then we'll go see Jake to let him know you joined our pack."

"I'll be inside, getting clothes." Emilia told her husband and sons, bumping into her daughter on the way in. Karina Call looked at her eldest brother and sighed.

"Great, another overprotective wolf." She groaned as Kai let out a bark. He began to shift back, Karina closing her eyes. Emilia handed Kai clothes, him changing quickly.

Embry grinned. "Welcome to the pack, son."

Emilia emerged from her trance, Embry staring at her in concern.

"What did you see?"

"Our future, Em. I saw our future."


"And it's amazing."

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