Chapter 5

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"There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment"

"So she slapped Paul?"

Embry nodded as she rolled her eyes. "She is so stupid"

"She's not that bad, Lia"

"You spend months with her being infatuated with becoming immortal. It makes you hate her"

"Why does that bother you so much?" Embry asked, amused. He propped himself up, staring at Emilia as they laid on a blanket on the cliff.

"Well, being immortal isn't fun. I have the luck of being able to age whenever I want and I can have kids even when I've stopped aging. Rose, for example, doesn't. All she's ever wanted in life she can't have because she's a monster."

"Doesn't she have Emmett?"

"Yeah but her dream was to not only fall in love, but start a family. That was taken from her"

"Fair point"

"But that's none of my business"

Embry laughed. "You, my love, never fail to amaze me"

Emilia leaned in and pressed a kiss to his lips. "I do try"

The sound of both of their phones ringing made them both groan.

"How come something always interrupts our time together?" Embry complained. Emilia smiled at him and answered her phone while Embry answered his. They stepped away from each other.


"Emilia! You have to come to Bella's now! Edward is going to kill himself!"

"Wait, what?!" Emilia became frantic as she grabbed her bag, noticing Embry's distresses face.

"Just hurry!"

Alice hung up before Emilia could reply. She and Embry turned to each other, her throwing him her keys.

"Drop me off at Bella's and then take the car wherever you need to go?" He nodded and grabbed her hand, the two running towards Emilia's new Mercedes.

Embry jumped in the driver's seat and sped off towards Forks.

"What's happening in the pack?" Emilia asked. Embry glanced at her, his eyes glistening.

"Harry had a heart attack. Leah and Seth both phased. What's happening at Bella's?"

"Edward is going to kill himself."

Embry slowed down as he approached the house, coming to a complete stop when he saw Jacob and Bella in her truck, arguing.

Emilia got out of the car, Embry grabbing her hand before she could go. "Stay safe, Lia"

"I will. I love you, Em"

"I love you too"

She closed the door as Bella came out of the truck. "Emilia? What's going on?"

"Your guess is as good as mine" she muttered. The pair entered the house where Alice waited for them.

"Bella! You're alive!"

After Alice asked Bella some questions her nose wrinkled. "You both reek"

"Yeah, well, that might be Jacob"

As if on cue, Jacob came into the house. Emilia looked to see if Embry followed him but there was no trace of her boyfriend.

Bella and Jacob argued while Alice explained the situation to Emilia and then, the three women set off for Volterra, Jacob left disappointed.


Emilia watched as Bella ran through the parade of hooded red figures towards Edward who was about to expose himself. She stopped, watching as Bella tackled Edward, pushing him into the dark castle again.

"You stay behind in the car. It's safer for you if you're far from Aro" Alice said grabbing Emilia's shoulder.

Aro did know of Emilia's existence and, like with Alice, wanted Emilia as part of his guard. Since she was still human though, it was risky for her to be around human blood drinkers.

She got into the parked car and locked the doors, texting Embry that she was safe.

Em: Good. Sam knows about us

Lia: How?

Embry: Jacob

Emilia sighed. She wasn't surprised that Jacob had let the secret out. After all, he was still mad about not imprinting on Bella.

She continued to text Embry until there was a knock on the window. Alice opened the car door and Edward, Bella attached to his side, entered the back seat.

"Hey Ed"

The older male seemed too enthralled with his blood singer to answer his little sister. Emilia scoffed at Edward's blatant ignorance of her existence. Before Bella came along, he would have hugged her and asked about her life.

Of course, before Bella they wouldn't have been in this predicament.

"I called Carlisle. We're moving back to Forks." Alice announced making Emilia perk up. She could be close to Embry!

Edward's eyebrows furrowed as he looked up, staring at Emilia's seat.

"Who's Embry?"

Immediately Emilia stiffened. "Embry Call? Jacob's best friend Embry? How do you know about him?" Bella questioned Edward.

He looked between his mate and his sister. "Emilia's first thought about moving to Forks was his name."

Alice glanced over at Emilia as she sped through the Italian streets. "How do you know him?"

"I met him while visiting. We're friends"

Edward scoffed. "Friends? I saw your thoughts, Emilia."

"It's really none of your business" she replied coldly, staring out the window. She grabbed her phone again and sent Embry a last text before Alice pulled up at the airport.

Lia: My family is about to find out

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