Chapter - 7

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It's been 2 weeks, 14 days or nearly 336 hours since I saw Col that damned hospital bed and yet I am unable to erase that image of her fragile appearance from my memory. It makes me restless and so very guilty. I have been pushing myself harder to the point of exhaustion so that my body and mind could stop thinking about her but I am failing miserably.

Why was she lying? Why did she want to get pregnant? Why's and what's haunted me all hours of the day and sleepless nights but most of all I wanted to know how she was doing. I texted her a couple of times hoping to get some answers but got no reply. When I tried to call her phone, it's switched off. My only option is to go to her house but I don't think Mr and Mrs West will appreciate it. They might have been cordial but when we were leaving Col's hospital room, they made it clear that I should stay away from their daughter.

I am pulled out of my thoughts when I hear the sound of the horn from a pickup truck that I almost hit coming from my right. I slam on the brake at the last moment and avoid a collision. The driver spouts out a few chosen profanities and speeds off ignoring my apologizes. I drive a little further down the road to my apartment. As I near the security gates for the garage, I spot two people lurking near the entrance of the apartment. When I get closure, I identify the old lady, Mrs Gracia. She used to work as a cook at my parents and quit after her arthritis made it difficult for her to stand for a long time. I pull over in an open parking space in front of the apartment. I get out and greet her with a wide smile,

"Hola, chica, ¿Cómo estás?" (Hey, girl, How are you?), I tease her as I used to when I was younger

She laughs at my greeting and reverts back,

"Muy Bien, Mi Rey, ¿y usted?" (Very well, my king, and you?)

"Excelente", I say and hug her. She hugs me back tightly and says,

"Hace tanto tiempo que te vi"(It' been so long since I haven't seen you), she says pulling away from me and cupping my face lovingly.

"6 years", I say

"And looks how handsome you turned", she says with a heavy accent.

"Not as pretty as you chica. You don't look a day over 30"

"30... I look 18..", she says with a mischievous glint in her eyes. When most of the maids in our house treated us like we are some kind of superior being, Mrs Gracia was always joking and little hearted which made me want to be around her when my parents were away.

After enquiring her health for a few more minutes I ask her if she is here to see someone in the building. She says she came to talk to me alone about something important and introduce her nephew, Jareth, who stood silently next to her watching us catch up. We shake hands and he says,

" I work as security at Mr West Mansion", like it is supposed to mean something. I study him for a quick second. He is about 5 and a half tall and medium built and looks like he is in his late 40's. He also doesn't have an accent. Mrs Gracia had ones recounted how she migrated here with her family in her early 20s. So my guess is Jareth is born and brought up in the US.

"Okay", I say and turn to Mrs Gracia asking her what's she wants to talk about. She says Jareth has something to say to me and she lets him talk.

" Colette needs your help", he says. To say his words shocked me is an understatement.

"Did she send you?", I ask him point-blank. The harshness in my voice surprises me and I realize that I am still not over her lies.

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