Chapter - 18

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Cold creeps up my body and I feel around the bed searching for warmth. When I don't find the warm body of Col, I open my eye and it's still dark outside. I crawl out of the bed and look for her in the bathroom and the other bedrooms in the suite. Finding no trace of her, I pull up my pants and check my phone and see it's 4 am in the morning. I open the door to my suite and see Doug one of a friendly Secret Service Agent preached on a chair next to the door. He stands up as soon as he sees me and I ask him if he has seen Col.

"Ms Colette left at around half past nine", he says which meant she left as soon as I feel asleep. I went to talk to her as soon as I checked in at 8:30. Knowing that she left immediately makes me feel uneasy. I ask Doug if she was okay. He hesitates and admits that she was in a hurry and didn't make any eye contact. The uneasiness grows I feel something is not right. I think about going to her room but it's too early and I don't want to disturb if she is asleep.

I get back to bed and remember the night before. When I knew about the reduced sentencing, I was outraged. 7 years doesn't even justify as a sentence of one of his crime against Col let alone the 13 charges he was facing. If I had the power to sentence him, I would deep fry the bastard in boiling oil. But law had let Col down in the name of greater good and even my father, The President himself wasn't able to do anything about it.

I could only imagine how betrayed Col must be feeling and decided to come to the sentencing to be her side and give her moral support. I had no intention on pouncing on her like a wild animal but as soon as I saw her I was blowed over by her gorgeous self. The years of longing and anticipation made me loose my mind and all I wanted was to get as close to her as possible. I dragged her back to my suite to hold her tight to my body and when she big hazel orbs stared at me I couldn't hold back and kissed her with all the passion and love that she ignited in me for years.

The sexual tension grew and when she wanted more I couldn't deny her. But I felt she was detached when I was about to climax but then she tighten her sex strangling my cock and I came so hard I felt she drained every drop from my body. I felt amazing after so long to have her in my arms and touch her silky soft skin that drifted off to sleep in no time. I jog through the memory of the previous night to see if I hurt her in some way but I am not able to find any. It was a perfect night and an earth shattering sexual experience so I wonder why she felt immediately and if Doug was right upset. The man was perspective and if he felt something was wrong then there was something definitely wrong.

I toss and turn in the bed unable to calm the uneasy feeling and decide to hit the gym on the ground floor to shred off some of the nervous energy. After almost an hour on the treadmill, I move to weights. Just when I feel exhausted, I catch sight of the FBI agent with who Col lives enter the facility. Her steps halt seeing me and all the uneasiness I tired to get rid off, engulfs me again. I drop off the barbell and trot towards the peloton machine she climbed on.

"Hi, I am Zach. I didn't catch your name yesterday", I say extending my hand.

"Jessica", she says shaking my hands. Her grip is strong and professional.

"Is Col up yet?", I ask trying to keep the conversation going.

She sizes me up and shakes her head no.

"Is she okay?", I ask as she is not giving me anything.

"She was okay when she went to bed", she says again not giving me a straight answer.

"So she was not okay before that?", I prod. She glares at me like I would getup if she won't answer. But I am determined to get some answers however long it takes.

"No, she wasn't", she says after a long time again.

"What happened?", I prompt hoping she would come out and say whatever made Col upset.

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