Chapter - 14

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In the early hours of the following day I was whisked away in an unmarked SUV with an FBI agent. Leaving without saying a goodbye to Zach gutted me but it was for the best, I told myself. Now, he could move on living his life without me weighing him down. We changed vehicles a few times and took around-about routes to reach Chicago almost in the dead of the night. I was expecting to be dropped off in a small town out of nowhere like in the movie "Did You Hear About the Morgans?" But I was pleasantly surprised when the car came to a stop in front of a tall condo very close to downtown Chicago. As I gathered my things I asked the FBI agent, Selena, if it wasn't a bad idea to stay here in a busy neighborhood. But she assured me that it's easier to hide in plain sight than in a small town where everyone knew everyone.

While we were climbing the small flight of stairs, the front door opens and women in her early 40s steps out to greet us. Again I had assumed I will be staying with some elderly couple like in that morgans movie and looking at the Amazonian woman I was taken aback. She greeted we will a stiff nod and a handshake before leading us into the living room. In the living room, there were three more people, a petite women, a girl and a boy in their late teenage.

The petite women and the girl welcomed me with bright smiles easing the weariness I was feeling since the moment we left the hospital. The boy was busy on his phone and ignored us as we took our seat in the couch.

"Hello Colette, I am Jessica", the Amazonian woman introduced herself and continued to introduce the rest. The beautiful petite platinum blond women was Jessica's partner Racheal who works as a Senior Business Analyst in a company called Accenture. The twin teenagers were Naomi and Noah who are Jessica's niece and nephew. Naomi had a close resemble of Jessica, dark straight hair, grey eyes and a long sharp nose. But she was much shorter so she had a more friendly vibe while Jessica had the "don't mess with me" kind of look. Noah was tall and well-built who had the brooding teenager look down pat. Jessica explained that their parents died in a mall shooting ten years back and since then have been living with her and Racheal. Jessica said she was a field FBI agent back then but decided to take a desk job when the twins came to live with her.

Once the introduction was done, Jessica suggested that I get some rest and we can discuss everything in the morning. The long journey was killing my back and I desperately needed to lay on a flat surface, so I agree and Naomi led me to a bedroom on the 2nd floor while chatting me up about how excited she was when she heard I was moving in with them. The room was tiny about half the size of the bathroom in Father's mansion yet I was blown away by the homeliness and the effort they had put in to decorate the room for me. The room was painted in a soft shade of lemon yellow with a twin metal bed pushed to the wall. On the head side of the bed, there was a sheer curtain with string lights. Next to the bed was a desk on which there was a cute giraffe holding a hand written "Welcome" sign. Opposite to the bed there was a cupboard which was decorated with a collage of inspirational posters.

My extravagant room in Father's mansion could never hold a candle to the warmth this simple room radiated. For the first time since I realized I had to leave Zach, I felt happy and calm. I could feel the depression that was hovering over me for the past few days lessen. For a long time I was hoping to escape Father and find good people. And finally here I was amidst a family who have set aside time and effort to welcome me into their home with open arms. Tear of joy rolled down my cheeks overwhelmed with gratitude and kindness these pure strangers have shown me.

While I tried to pull myself together, Naomi misunderstood my tears of joy. She rushed towards me and assured me that I can change the room however I liked. I tried to tell her that I loved the room but she was so hysterical that she didn't hear anything I told her. So, I hugged her tightly telling her how thankful I was to all the thought she had put in. After a long hug, we pulled away and she extended her pinky for a swear and asked,


It took a couple of seconds to react but I couldn't help the grin that split my face when we pinky swore to be sisters. It was silly but the childish act healed me more than the pills and therapy combined.

That night I had the best sleep in days and when I woke up the next day, it was almost noon. I quickly cleaned up and went downstairs. Yesterday I was in too exhausted to take in the house. So, as I climbed down the stairs I observed the house. The first floor of the house had 2 more bedroom which I assume is Noah's and Jessica's. The ground floor was pretty much open and I could see that it's where the family got together. Since it was the weekend, everyone were home except Noah. Racheal was busy in the kitchen, while Naomi was busying with her homework. In the living room, I could see that Jessica and Selena in a heated discussion.

I meekly said a Good Morning to get their attention and immediately I was greeted with smiles which brighten my spirit. Naomi abandoned her homework and rushed to me to ask if I had a good sleep. I nodded and stood awkwardly near the stairs unsure what to do next. Racheal understood my discomfort and asked me to sit on the bar stool near the counter while she fixed a plate of breakfast for me. She asked me if I had any allergies and expertly eased me into a conversation. After the breakfast we moved to the living room where Selena was waiting to give me further instructions before she left.

The first order of business was to change my appearance. Selena and Jessica suggested that I change my hair color. I had no protest. I had already decided to get a new hairdo with front bangs and dye my hair platinum blond like Racheal which would go along with my cover up story that I was Racheal's cousin who had moved in with her for some time since I was in the middle of a bad breakup. I also opted for a big framed glasses which could hide most of my face. I had an urge to do anything possible to stay hidden because if I was identified then I was told that I would be moved to another safe house and I already in love with this house and this family and didn't want to lose them. If taking extreme measures was needed to stay hidden so be it.

Next, I was told that I can't go out in the public for a few more weeks since my horror story had grabbed the attentions of TV and bloggers who seem to make a sensation out of every tiny bid of so-called "anonymous information" about my life. Then, Selena gave my new ID. I was Luna Pearson from Bronx. I also had a back story which all of us had to memorize so we got the details straight. I was also given a new laptop, IPad, a phone and a spending cash of ten thousand dollar. I was shocked that FBI was spending so much money on me but Selena explained that everything was funded by Zoya. I knew she wanted to get rid of me but I assumed if she had the option she would just leave in a dump but seeing the effort she had put to find me a good place, I realize she is not all that bad.

The final instructions were that I should not contact anyone from my previous life which immediately made me remember Zach for want seemed like a millionth time since I left him. Guilt and regret engulfed me every time I thought of him. I wondered if he left abandoned or cheated by my sudden disappearance. I should have told him a goodbye. He deserved it after everything he had done for me. I was a chicken to leave without a closure. But the truth was I didn't want a closure with him which would be closing that chapter of my life and moving on. I was not ready to move from Zach so I left with the book still open hoping that someday when our path crossed we could continue with where we left.

Author Notes:

Hello Lovelies, 

I am so sorry for the delay. I was overwhelmed with the corona lockdown and was unable to put the story into words. I tried to write it a couple of times and every time the words wouldn't flow. I was too stressed and needed some time off to relax. 

Thank you all for the love and the constant messages to know if I was doing well. I am okay. I was depressed for sometime but I am getting better everyday. 

Hope this chapter brightens your day. I will try to post the next chapter as soon as possible.

Please vote and comment. Looking forward to hear from you.

With Love,


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