Chapter - 22

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We return back to New York the next day since Col had a happy hour shift at the bar. Parked a few buildings away from the bar, I ask,

"Can't you call in sick today?"

Col shakes her head with a smile on her lips. I have asked her the question half a dozen times since morning.

"Like I said all the previous times. Johnny is short staffed and I am not going to leave him hanging when he needs me"

Since taking up the internship with Ryan, Col has been working only a couple of shifts. But she had promised Johnny she would fill in today so here I am to drop her off.

"Fine. Remember I will be waiting", I say and kiss her before she steps out of the vehicle.

I watch her walk to the bar and when she reaches the entrance she looks back and I blow a kiss which makes her laugh. She blows me a kiss and waves. I wave back and wait for her to enter before we pull off the curb.

I look around the street and it's crowded than usual. Must be the holiday crowd, I tell myself. After we drive a while, I scroll through my Twitter feed and see that yesterday's picture of Col and me is gone viral. An uneasy feeling creeps in so I ask Doug if there was any security briefing regarding Col. He says there has been a keen interest about Col but her location is still anonymous since she goes by the name Luna.

I ask Doug to find a private security for Col. I want to make sure she is safe. Immediately Doug gets on with it and we head back home and I hit the gym.

I hear my phone ring when I was in the shower but I let it go to voicemail. When the phone rings again, I wrap myself in a towel and check the phone. It's Col's number so I answer immediately.

"You need to come here at once", a male voice which I think is Johnny screams from the other side. A bolt of terror slashes through me and I ask him what's going on.

"There are reporters everywhere. Col was just serving drinks and suddenly bar got crowded. Chris tried to control but so many people rushed into the bar at once and started clicking pictures and asking her questions. It was a chaos. I somehow dragged her to the back room and we are locked in here. I don't know what's going on in the front", he says clearly traumatized.

"How is Col? Is she hurt?", I ask

"She is not hurt. She had a panic attack. Skylar is holding her. Col is shivering. She looks a little blue", he says hurried. Johnny is a cool guy if he is so worked up I can only imagine how Col is.

"Did you call the cops?", I ask

"Yes. Called the cops. But You need to come fast. Col is not looking good", he says

"I will be there in a few minutes", I reply and end the call. I call Doug to get the car ready and rush to get dressed. We leave immediately but the traffic is hell at this hour of the day. By the time we reach the bar, Cops have cleared out the crowd and has created a perimeter around the bar. Doug first talks to the cop then I am escorted into the place. I find Col and she is still in the back room. They all look shaken. I rush to Col who is sitting on a chair with a coat wrapped around her.

I knee in front of her and ask her if is ok. Col's teeth clatter as she speaks.

" so... many people", she says. She is as white as a sleet of ice. I tug the loose locks of her hair behind her ears and kiss her forehead and pull her into my arms.

"You are okay. Everything is alright now". I try to reassure her but here jittering doesn't stop. I need to get her away from here so I pull away and see Johnny who looks worried. The front of the bar is ransacked.

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