Ch. 7

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Jace's POV

"What?" Alec asked shocked at the news he just heard and then saw with his own eyes.

Paul explained again what happened. And what it means for our sleeping arrangements.

"Until we can get this repaired, Jace can't stay in this room anymore."

"Where will I sleep?"

He looked between Alec and me and I felt my heart drop. No.

"You can't stay on the couch for the length of time that it'll take to fix this. So you'll have to stay in Alec's room, Jace."

We kind of both just stared shocked at our parents.

My mom spoke up, "I know there's only one bed in your room, Alec, but it'll be okay. It's only to sleep."

He looked defeatedly at his dad, "Do I have a say in this?"

He shook his head, "I'm afraid not."

Alec sighed, "Okay."


He looked at me and shrugged, "It's the only option."

I thought for a minute and sighed when the reality hit me, "Okay..."

"You can keep your clothes in your closet because when it rains they shouldn't get wet. I need to go make some calls to fix this mess..."

I nodded as Paul and my mom left my room, leaving Alec and I alone. I was too busy just staring at the tree in my wall to care.

After I don't know how long, there was a hand on my shoulder, I jumped expecting it to be Alec, but it was Paul, "You alright?"

I smiled a little, "Yeah, it's just... kind of hard to believe."

He nodded and glanced at the tree, "Yeah I understand that. Listen, I wanted to talk to you about something."


He took his hand off of my shoulder and scratched the back of his head, "It's about Alec."

I nodded for him to continue, even though I was nervous where this conversation could go.

"He's told me that in the past you two haven't gotten along and I know that joining our families has been tough on both of you. But I want you to know that even though he doesn't seem like it all the time, he's a good kid. And I believe that with time you two will become good friends. Your personalities are very similar."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Really?"

Our personalities seem more like the complete opposite.

He nodded and smiled, "Yes. So no need to be worried about staying in his room for a little bit, it'll be okay."


"No problem."


I knocked on the door and a second later, heard Alec's voice shout, "Come in!"

I opened the door and saw him laying on his bed, doing something on his phone. I tried to stay out of the room for as long as possible so we won't be awkwardly sitting next to each other on the bed, but I really wanted to lay down.

I kept the door cracked as I began to awkwardly walk over to his bed, but he stopped me, "Close the door. I hate sleeping with my door open."

I just nodded and walked back to close it then awkwardly sat on the edge of his bed. I plugged in my phone charger to the wall and then to my phone and I just laid down on my back as close to the edge as possible. This is... fun.

I kind of just laid there for a while before he put his phone down and turned off his lamp. He then scooted to the other edge so there was a lot of space between us. Thank God. It took a while but I finally fell asleep. Throughout the night I kept having small bad dreams, not like terrible but they were really weird. But then they just stopped. And I didn't know why. The next morning I woke up to a yell. I opened my eyes really fast and yelled too. Alec's face was three inches away from mine and we had our arms wrapped around each other and our legs were all tangled up. Thank God I don't have a morning... problem... or this would have been a lot worse.

I jumped back and ended up falling on the ground, making me groan, "Ow."

"What the hell were you cuddling me for?"

I rubbed my head, "You were cuddling me too!"


I rolled my eyes as I stood up, "Whatever..."

I then grabbed my charger and phone and went into my room to grab some clothes that I changed into then I went downstairs for breakfast.

Once I got down there, Jazzy greeted me with a smile and my mom glanced at me as she was cooking, "What was all that yelling?"

I internally groaned, of course, she'd ask, "It was nothing."

She laughed, "Didn't sound like nothing."

I whined, "It's too early for this!"

She just smiled and rolled her eyes, "Okay, cranky-pants. Want bacon?"

My eyes lit up, "Yes please!"


It's been a week. One. Week. No one has come to repair my wall. And I keep waking up cuddled up to Alec. That's not even the worst of it! I enjoy waking up in his arms! What the hell? I haven't told my friends about it cause they'd tease me about it until I die. But it's agonizing. We've tried so many ways to not wake up like that but it seems like it's inevitable. It's become a normal thing to wake up like that. Honestly though... I like it. And I wish he did too. I have no idea what's wrong with me but that's how I feel. I want to fall asleep cuddling each other but I highly doubt he'd allow that. Although... he hasn't been complaining about waking up cuddling. Hmm...

That night I laid down on my back until he put his phone down and turned off the light. He tossed around for a few minutes until he sighed and turned to face me. This is my chance.

I slowly turned on my side so I was facing him and I scooted closer. He didn't notice what I was doing until our foreheads touched.

He opened his eyes, "What are you doing?"

My face went red slightly but luckily it was dark so he couldn't see, "We're going to wake up like this anyway, what's the point of trying to stay away?"

He studied me for a minute before he rolled his eyes and then closed them. I smiled victoriously and slightly rubbed my forehead against his. And I swear to God I saw him smile a little bit.

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