Ch. 8

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Alec's POV

I sighed as I felt myself stir awake and not be able to fall back asleep. It's the worst when you wake up before your alarm on a school morning. And that is exactly what has happened to me now.

After a few minutes of trying and failing to fall back asleep, I finally opened my eyes. I sighed again as I saw that Jace's face is right in front of mine. Again. It could be worse. One time we woke up with our noses practically touching, our arms around each other, and our legs tangled up. Today it's just our legs tangled, our heads aren't even touching. Why does that make me feel... disappointed? No that can't be it. Or could it?

Slowly, I moved closer so that our foreheads were touching and I felt really warm. A small smile formed onto my face. What is this? Why do I want to be closer to Jace? It's not like he's attractive. With his... fluffy and always messy pink hair, long eyelashes, perfect nose, strong jawline... cute ears. Damn. The more I study his face the more I realize how good-looking he is. Especially when he's sleeping. His face looks so peaceful and free of worry, his lips are slightly parted, he has his hands tucked up against his chest, his long-sleeve pajama shirt is giving him sweater paws.

Suddenly my alarm went off and I quickly but carefully moved away from him as I saw him start to stir awake. I internally groaned at my thoughts from moments before.

What the hell is up with me?


Jace's POV

"Why won't you admit it?"

"Admit what?"

The girls sighed while Dallas rolled his eyes, "That you have feelings for him."

I crossed my arms defiantly, "Who?"

"I will strangle you!"

I laughed.

"Want me to scream his name?"

I narrowed my eyes at Riley, "You wouldn't dare."

She smirked, "Wouldn't I?"

She suddenly took a deep breath and began shouting, "ALEC AND JACE SITTING IN A TREE! K-I-S"

I jumped towards her and covered her mouth before she said anymore, "Shut up!"

She licked my hand and I took it away, "Why do you hate me?" I pouted.

She rolled her eyes, "I don't hate you, I want you to realize your feelings. Stop denying it!"

I huffed as I leaned against some lockers, "I'm not denying anything. I haven't said yes or no."

"Then answer us honestly. Yes or no. Do you like Alec?"

I thought for a minute, "... I don't understand the question."

They all groaned and I smiled.

"Who do you have a crush on?"

"A boy."

"What's his name?"


They laughed, "We got you. Say his name."

I rolled my eyes, "Why do I need to tell you?"

"Don't make me start singing again, because I will. And look who's across the hall!"

I looked behind me and internally groaned. Alec looked over at me from his friend and nodded at me. I nodded back and turned around, glaring at Riley.

"You better not start again."

"Well tell us the name of your crush, and I won't."

I thought for a minute. Is there any way I could get out of this? Probably not.

I sighed, "Fine, I like him! Assholes..."

"Sorry, who is it that you like?"

I glared at Dallas's smirk, "Alec. Now shut up!"

They all cheered and I felt like disappearing. I cannot believe I just admitted it.

"So sweet!!!"

I rolled my eyes, "How?"

"Your parents fell in love and now you two are in love!"

"He's straight and hates me."

"Bull! You guys have been so civil lately and I've caught him looking at you from far away."

I glared at him. I haven't really told my friends what's been happening at my house. Or Alec's house. I don't know anymore. But I haven't told them about sharing a room and our mutual agreement to be civil. No way that would have happened on its own. But yeah. And no way in hell am I telling them we fucking cuddle. It happens while we're asleep but still. Fun times.



Alec's POV

I can't like Jace. I can't like Jace. I can't like Jace.

My new freaking motto.

Every time I'm around Jace lately I feel all weird and nervous and that is not acceptable. I have nothing against gay people. If I was feeling like this with any other guy it'd be okay. But Jace? We've disliked each other for so long and now we fucking sleep in the same bed. I just... Ugh!! And to make things worse. My friends told me the other day that they heard Jace's friend screaming the one elementary school love song. The kissing in a tree thing. Apparently, she said my name and Jace's together. WHY DOES THAT MAKE BUTTERFLIES APPEAR IN MY STOMACH?

A hand appeared in front of my face, "Anyone home?"

I looked at Mike, "Sorry, I was just thinking about something."

He laughed, "Obviously. So what's on your mind?"

I shook my head, "It's nothing."

"Doesn't seem like it."

I just stayed silent.

After a few minutes, he nudged me, making me look at him again, "Are you thinking about Jace?"


He rolled his eyes, "You're staring at him."

I glared at him but my face went red which defeated the purpose of the accusing glare.

He laughed, "Oh my God, I think I see what's going on!"

"Shut the hell up, you know nothing."

He just smirked at me, "So what'd you think of the fact that his friend ships you two."

"No idea what you're talking about."

He just laughed again, "Okay, then why don't I go over and talk to Jace?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Why?"

He shrugged, "To see what he's like... and to make sure he's good enough for my best friend."

I smacked his shoulder, "If I say I like him will you shut up?"

He smiled innocently while nodding.

I rolled my eyes, "You're such a child. Fine, I like him. Happy?"

"Yes. Now go over and ask him out!"

"No! Why would I do that?"

"Because you like each other!"

I rolled my eyes at that. No way he likes me too.

"Fine, don't believe me. If you pay more attention to his actions rather than his lips, you'd notice he's always looking at you whenever you're around."

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked over to Jace. Sure enough, he was looking at me. His face went red as he looked back down at his paper on his desk.


I didn't reply.

He likes me? How?

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