Ch. 13

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Jace's POV

I was reading peacefully in my favorite teacher's room. She's having lunch right now so she's not in here. When I got a text.

R- Alec is talking to us

Anger and sadness ran through me.

J- Thanks for the warning

I sighed as I went back to my book. After what he did, he has the nerve to talk to my friends. Oh my God.

I was deep into my book when all of a sudden, the door opened. I expected it to be my friends but when I looked up I saw Alec. A rush of emotions ran through me, I didn't know what to do.

"What do you want?"

He looked at me pleadingly, which confused me, "Jace, please let me explain."

I glared at him, "You mean about how you lied to me and made a fool of me? Yeah, I'd love to hear how you planned that out."

He shook his head, " No, I didn't mean for that to happen."

I just stared at him expectantly. Eventually, he took the hint and started talking.

"That day, Kira came up to me. I was on my way to class but she stopped me, she said she had something to ask me. I didn't want to but I stopped and waited to listen to her question. Next thing I knew, she was kissing me. But I pushed her away as soon as it registered in my brain and I told her to stay away from me. I never meant to hurt you, Jace. Please believe me."

I didn't say anything for a few minutes. Is that really what happened? I want to believe that that's true... but I don't want my heart to break again if he's messing with me.

After a while, I sighed, "Okay. But I'm still staying on the couch and I'm not going to come running back to you."

"I'll prove myself, I promise."

I just nodded and then went back to my book. He stayed there for a few minutes after but I never looked at him. Eventually, he left. And maybe twenty minutes later, I got up to go to my class.


It's lunch right now and I low-key hate myself. I'm eating and semi-listening to my friends' conversation but I'm also looking around the whole cafeteria for Alec. I need to be harder to get, I swear to God, but it's too hard. I really like him and I really want to be with him. But I don't want to get hurt again. He's not gay. Or bi. He told me that. But he's attracted to me. He likes me back. I know that... but I'm scared.

Just then I found him walking into the cafeteria. He was with his buddies. He looked over and saw me too and he smiled at me, I just nodded at him like I usually do. I saw his smile falter slightly but then he went back to his friends so it became bright again. Maybe two seconds later, though, the hoe had the audacity to walk up to him.

She put her hands on his chest, "Hey, Al."

He grabbed her wrists and removed her hands, "Hello."

Alec looked very annoyed meanwhile his friends looked at him confused. I'll take that as he hasn't told them how he feels about me. That's... reassuring.

She missed the hint and put her hands back on him but this time I'm his shoulders, "You should come over to my place tonight. My parents are gone."

He moved her hands again, "No thanks. Try asking Jay, he'll take you up on that offer."

Jay lit up and nodded but Kira narrowed her eyes, "But I don't want him, I want you."

"I don't want you."

She scoffed, "Everyone wants me."

He shook his head and then looked over at me and smiled softly, "I already have someone that I love."

A small group of people watching gasped when they noticed him looking at me and my face went red as I smiled at him. Kira didn't notice though. She just huffed and walked away to go whine to her posse. After a few moments, I looked away and to my friends and they all smiled at me. I told them what Alec said happened that day and they said it makes more sense than the idea that he would try to hurt me.

"He said he loves me..."

Grace squealed, "True love!"

My face went a deeper shade of red from hearing that which made all my friends laugh at me. But I laughed along with them. I didn't expect this day to turn out the way it is. But I'm thankful.


"You seem happier today, Jace. Anything happen?"

I smiled and my face went red slightly as I looked over at my mom, "It was just a good day."

She smiled, "I'm glad. How was your day, Alec?"

He smiled back, "It was good too."

"How about you Jazzy?"

"My day was great! We're going on a field trip tomorrow!"

I smiled at her, "Where are you going?"

"The science museum!"

"Sounds like a lot of fun, sweety."

Jazzy flashed her adorable smile one more time before she began to stuff her face with spaghetti again. It's so fun to watch kids eat spaghetti because they get it everywhere.

I felt someone nudge my foot from under the table and I looked up to see Alec smiling at me. I rolled my eyes at him and looked back at my plate to eat, but my face was the color of the sauce.

After dinner, I was washing up the last plate and my mom came over, "Can I ask you a question, Jacey?"


She studied me for a minute as I dried and put away the plate then looked at her, "And be honest, you know I would never judge you, honey."

I nodded.

"Do you have feelings for Alec?"

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