Ch. 15

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Jace's POV

A- Hey, wanna go see The Boy II?

J- You know the answer to that

A- No, not as a romantic thing. I know you're still warming up to me again. Just think of it as a fun night out with a buddy :)

A- Come on!!

J- Fine

A- Woo! So be ready in like five minutes, I'll drive

J- Ok. But I am paying for all of my stuff

A- Whatever you say

I rolled my eyes as I put my phone in my pocket and went up to my room to grab a hoodie. He says it's not a date but I know that is his full intention. And no way in hell am I paying for my things. But I might as well try to keep up my front.

Fifteen minutes later we arrived at the theater, and just as I foresaw, he was quick and paid for my ticket and the candy I chose along with his, his soda, and popcorn. I rolled my eyes when he looked at me with a victorious smile. It's honestly so adorable how hard he's trying to regain my trust. And to be honest, he already has it. He got it back as soon as he told me what really happened with him and the hoe. But... ugh. I'm making this too complicated, aren't I?

The movie was good. I won't say anything about it cause I don't want to spoil it but it was creepy like the first one.

As we walked out, Alec looked at me shocked, "You didn't jump even once!"

I laughed, "I grew up watching horror movies. My mom and I are addicted."

"Wow. Impressive."

"Why thank you."

He smiled adoringly at me which made my face heat up. I looked away from him and sped up my pace to his car.

When we got back home, he sat down on the couch with me.

We were sitting in peaceful silence for a little bit until he looked at me, "Why don't you come sleep in my room again? Until your room is fixed. The couch cannot be comfortable at this point."

I sighed and looked at my lap. I want to, I really want to.

Before I could say anything he added, "I'm not saying this just because I want to sleep in the same bed as you. I mean I do, I love cuddling you, but I'm concerned about your health."

I looked at him and he looked really concerned.

I smiled and grabbed his hands in mine, "You really care about me, don't you?"

"Of course! I like you a lot, Jace."

I thought for a minute before I nodded, "Ok."

He smiled, "You'll come back to my room?"

I nodded again and he cheered which made me laugh and roll my eyes at him. What a dork.

He stood up and then dragged me with him up the stairs. Before I even had a chance to figure out what was happening, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me onto his bed with a plop. We were laying down on our sides, foreheads pressed together, and he was smiling like a goofball.

I laughed, "That was a little extra."

"Not in my opinion. I'm happy."

I just shook my head, smiling, "Well I need to change into pajamas."

"No, you're fine in what you're wearing now. I don't wanna let go."

I'm in jeans, a hoodie, and socks.

I rose an eyebrow at him and he sighed and let me go, "Fine."

I rolled my eyes and pat his head as I stood up, "I'll be back in a minute."


I smiled at him one last time and went to my room to change. All feels right with the world again."



I rolled my eyes at my girl friends squealing. I just told them about how Alec and I were sharing a bed for a while until I went to the couch. And about how I'm back in his room again. They find it very cute.

Dallas just smiled, "I'm glad things are getting better between you two."

I nodded, smiling, "Me too. I'm really happy."

"You're glowing, Jacey!"

I swatted Grace's hands away as she tried to pinch my cheeks, "Calm down, lady."

She giggled as she sat back again, "Sorry, couldn't help myself."

I just shook my head but still had a smile on my face.

All of a sudden though I heard someone shout, "Listen up people!"

I looked over and gasped lightly when I saw Alec standing on a table looking around.

He started talking again when everyone was looking at him, "I would like to ask someone a question and I want all of you to hear it!" He paused again and looked at me which made my heart race, "Jace... I know we've been kind of rocky lately but I like you so much and I will do anything to make you happy. Will you be my boyfriend?"

My eyes started getting watery and a big smile that I couldn't control went onto my face. I stood up and walked over to the table he was standing on and I grabbed his hands. I carefully guided him down from it and held his hands in mine as I looked into his eyes. All I saw was genuine love and overflow of emotions.

I smiled and hugged him, "Yes."

After a few moment's hesitations, everyone in the cafeteria erupted into applause and whistles. My face went red but I was too busy hugging my amazing boyfriend to care.

I mumbled into his ear, "I never expected you to do this so openly."

He pulled back to look at me and smiled, "I wanted you to know how serious I am. If I wasn't serious then I wouldn't have even told my friends."

"You told your friends?"

He nodded and ruffled my hair lightly, "A few days ago. I would have told them sooner but it's actually pretty scary."

I laughed a little as I fixed my hair, "Coming out is like that."

He smiled, "Can I sit with you guys today?"

I nodded and grabbed his hand and led him to my table.

The first thing that was said after he sat down was by Riley, "If you hurt him again so help me you'll need a prosthetic dick."

He looked shocked for a second which made me giggle but then he smiled, "I wouldn't dream of it."

They seemed to find that answer acceptable and we all continued eating lunch. Eventually, everyone stopped staring at us too, which I was thankful for. I hate having so many eyes on me.

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