Highway Hellhounds

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"What am I then, Mr. All knowing and secretive?" I asked rather sarcastically, he shot me a glare. "I'm not sure. I believe either part Succubus or perhaps part Valkyrie."

"So basically it's my fault Sam is obsessed with me? Because I didn't do anything, in fact I'm innocent in all of this. Wait does this mean I feed on sex or I collect the souls of warriors? No, what are you? Why did you even kidnap me from Sam anyway?" I exclaimed, demanding an answer. He sighed and remained quiet for a long time. I gave up getting any answers from him and stood up. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down.

"None of this is your fault Aspen, you were raised human and that happens sometimes. And you basically have the gist of the Valkyries they are mercenaries, paid killers, but they are also an extremely proud warrior race. Now a Succubus does not feed on sex, she feeds on sexual energy, a beings life force you would need it to live, to heal, to connect. If you are part of either race you're going to need to be watched very closely to avoid any human casualties. I am a very powerful vampire, and I rescued you because Sam is not allowed to have human pets and well taking his sounded like a challenge. Until I realized you are the actual challenge." My jaw dropped at Colton's speech, very powerful vampire....just great.

"But you were just in the sun! When you grabbed me and in the van their was a rosary hanging from the rearview mirror! And your warm!" I pointed out each myth I could think of only to be stumped.

"I also don't sparkle, thank you for noticing that. Besides those are just myths. And don't forget I am very powerful, some things don't affect me anymore." He snapped, rolling his eyes at me. "I hope you realize that to me very powerful translates to very old, and I really do hope you aren't intending to rob this cradle. Although my mother does know some single friends that are much closer to your age group, most of them are widows from bingo, is that okay grandpa?" I smirked, there was an angry hiss and suddenly everything was horizontal.

"You should watch your tongue, before it gets you into trouble." For the first time I noticed the fangs, and I noticed the look of hunger in Colton's eyes. "I think I'm already in trouble." I muttered as Colton took a dive for my neck, I tensed in fear. But he didn't sink his fangs into my throat like some b rated horror movie. Instead I felt the tips of his teeth graze my neck as he placed soft kisses along my skin. I was so not about to become a vamp snack pack. Luckily he didn't sink he fangs into my throat and instead just cuddled with me. I fell asleep around noon watching a movie with Colton.

When I awoke it was eerily silent and so dark I could barely see my hand in front of my face. I was alone and not a single light indicated anyone was home. The ground shook and loud growling thundered outside the house I froze as I heard the door creak open. Should I look? Loud sniffing chilled my blood to ice, and the low bark that followed stopped my heart. Sam was here, it had to be him. That was the only explanation. I had been here for two days! Two blissful days without pain and insanity. I was not going back to that hell hole.

As silently as I could I slipped off of the couch and crawled across the floor, I made it to the back of the house and out the back door with ease. And without further thinking I ran, hoping against hope that I could out run his dogs. I jumped the fence as though I had been born to escape and took off into the trees on the other side. The barking told me the dogs found my scent, they knew I was on the move and they were after me. Hellhounds are jerks, they track you down and crush all chances of escape, they play with you until their master arrives to collect what you owe him. I frowned, realizing I had allowed a hellhound to sleep at the foot of my bed each night at Sam's. Sneaky mutt!

I ran, pushing myself harder than I thought possible. I stumbled as my feet hit asphalt and my gaze landed on the abandoned highway. How fitting, here I was being chased down by a pack of hellhounds that want to help their master drag me back to my own personal hell. This is the highway to hell and I'm running. I'm running full force as I slam into something the just materialized in front of me. It was Jaz, and he was snarling in anger. Three growls fill the air behind me and I cry out in frustration.

"This can't be happening, please no." I scream out, scaring the hellhounds with my outburst. I jumped forward as fingers whispered across my hair. "Don't touch me!" I growled out, turning to see him. Nothing is there, just a few angry hellhounds circling around me. I feel hands brush across my back and I hiss in anger. "Stop playing games with me and just show yourself!" I shout, tired of this sick game.

"You aren't the one giving orders here, love." The voice is right in front of me but no one is there. I laugh bitterly, completely done with taking his orders. "Well then I'm certainly not the one following these orders."


Hey guys don't forget to vote and comment, feedback is the best even if it's constructive criticism. Thanks for reading! Tell me how you liked this chapter an your opinions on the characters! Such as Sam and Aspen.


Kill Me (Unknown Succubus Series book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz