Finding Friends

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     She was a wood nymph? Violet was a freaking wood nymph?! This whole entire time and she never thought to tell me? I'm getting really sick of all the secrets that come with being a supernatural creature. "Seriously Violet? You couldn't have just told me?" I sighed, tugging my hair in frustration.

     "I'm sorry, I just figured you had enough supernatural bullshit going on with these douche nozzles." Violet mumbled solemnly and bit her lip anxiously waiting for my reply. I sighed loudly before slumping forward with exhaustion and exasperation. I couldn't stay mad at her not when she had a solid point. I did have a lot of shit to deal with and I was craving some normalcy for once. I wanted my old life back, my human life. I wanted to go back in time before I was ever kidnapped and tortured and thrown into a supernatural existence. "I forgive you my lovely side kick. Now let's get out of here and find my pack of hounds. I'm done dealing with these colon hoses." I smirked victorious as Violet linked arms with me and we pranced out of the room of irritated men. She had a grin a mile wide and the moment the door closed she burst into hysterical giggles. "Colon hoses?" She asked in between labored breaths.

     "Its a hose you stick up your butt to hose out your colon with. I thought it was fitting since they are acting like they have something shoved up their asses." I shrugged lightly and she burst into laughter once again. Tears pooled in her eyes and she was gasping for breath next to me. I remained silent as she composed herself and then we walked down the dim hallway. Violet led me further down the creepy flickering hallway and opened up a set of doors fit for the outside of a castle. Inside was a ballroom that had been changed into a bunk room of sorts, twin beds and cots were spread out everywhere and there were entertainment areas and card tables lining the entirety of the room. Jared was immersed in a serious looking conversation with Rico and Nathaniel, along with a short and curvy blonde woman with an angry face. I went around the room checking up with my pack members and introducing myself and Violet. But everything went to hell the second Violet spotted Rico, she pushed past me and stomped right up to the group. My jaw dropped as I watched her punch Rico right in the face, breaking his nose. "You asshole!" She screamed before turning and running out of the room. I didn't chase after her, something told me she needed some alone time to cool down. I certainly didn't want to discover how strong her powers were by pissing her off even more. Instead I approached the group with a bloodthirsty glint in my eyes. If Rico had hurt her in anyway he was going to get a lot worse than a broken nose from me.

     "What did you do to her?!" I hissed, pushing Nathaniel out of my way and getting in Rico's face. Nathaniel crashed into a bed ten feet away and shot me a scared look. I was pissed and my powers were kicking in at full force. "I-I me and her.... we uh. I may have tricked her into a year of servitude to Sam.... And broke her heart after things went down. But I helped her escape! Sam gave up trying to find her when we found you last year!"" Rico had just dug his own gave, I was going to strangle him with my bare hands and bury him in the desert.

     "You what? God you stalker douche nozzle!" I yelled out, kicking him hard in the kneecap. "Get out of my sight before I kick you out of the pack!" I was dead serious and he knew it, or just didn't want to push his luck. I didn't want a reminder of that house or the things Sam did to me while I was there.

    "Aspen you can't do that, I'm still the leader of these hellhounds you only have our loyalty. You're under our protection not the other way around." Jared chipped in, fueling my anger. I turned on him and felt my power snap across the room, sending a spark of fear through everyone unintentionally. My power whispered across my skin like a purring kitten and I practically glowed with intense energy. My body tingled with electricity. "I can make you do anything I want, do not test me. I could kill everyone in this room without batting a damn eyelash! Now continue to belittle me and I will bind you to me as a thrall! My power will break you and you will be nothing but a thoughtless slave!" I threatened, my voice strong and ringing with pure power. I snapped my fingers and Jared crashed to his knees, kneeling in front of me powerless to do anything against me. I had no idea where the sudden knowledge or instinctual use of power but I wasn't going to second guess myself.

    "Stop it Aspen you can't let power control you when you don't know how to use it!" Rico pleaded, angering me with his interruption. With a glare he was on the ground choking on air, his hands scrabbling to pull off an invisible noose. Suddenly it hit me, I was hurting my friends! The ones who traded everything just to save me, they would be killed for helping me. And here I was abusing this power, I'm a monster! As soon as reason came to me my power vanished and I collapsed onto the ground unconscious. The dark blackness sinking it's claws into my mind and dragging me under like a rabid animal. My last thought being, I am so sorry. I had turned into Sam, I was out of control with this overwhelming power. How could I do that? Purposely force my will on someone? Torture them with pain like Sam. I was a monster and it was unforgivable. I needed to control myself and get my power to listen to me so that I don't lash out again.

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