Virgin Succubus on Display

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     It wasn't hard to find the pizza in the freezer and cook it. However it took lots of control to stop myself from eating it all. I cleaned up the kitchen and padded out into the living room.  I kicked off my shoes and left them by the couch before walking around in search of the bathroom. I found the one bedroom first and quickly changed the sheets. Luckily when I finally found the bathroom clothes were actually there for me. They was an iPod dock on the counter and speakers were on the ceiling, I easily guessed the password and began blaring music. The shower was easy to turn on and I quickly filled the bathroom with steam. I stripped down and slid under the hot water. My muscles instantly relaxed and I let out a small sigh. Not surprisingly there was green apple scented shampoo and conditioner, at least I didn't have to smell like Mr. Douche Nozzle. There was also floral scented body wash and a brand new razor in the corner of the shower. Although since I had "activated" I no longer needed to shave as my legs were as smooth as silk. Being a Succubus had it perks.

      "Aspen, you in there?" It was Jared, which was actually surprising. I hadn't seen any of my hellhounds for awhile. I rinsed off and called back, "Yeah, I'll be out in a minute!"

       I turned off the water and quickly myself dry, before yanking on the matching lacy blue undergarments and pulling a black tank top and denim shorts on. I wrung out my hair to get some of that water out and then finger combed it back. I opened the bathroom door to an empty hallway. "Jared?" I called out, wearily. When there was no reply I walked silently towards the living room. I spotted several strangers on the couch and Jared walking in from the kitchen. "And this boys, is Aspen the Succubus." He introduced me to the group of about seven males and only three females.

    "She is a virgin?" One of the tall idiots exclaimed, shooting me an unnerving look. I shifted uncomfortably and settled my features into a glare. "Not possible, I mean just look at her!" One of the girls piped up, unhelpfully.

       "Besides what kind of Succubus is a virgin." A second girl laughed, sending the group into giggles.

      "If you idiots are done checking me out you can leave now. I'm not some pile of bones to be placed on display for judgmental ass hats like you guys! Now get out." I hissed, feeling my power spike up and raise the hairs on the back off my neck. Everything about me screamed dangerous right now and even they knew when to run. Within second the apartment was empty and Jared had apologized for putting "The Virgin Succubus" out on display. I locked the front door and trudged to the bedroom. The feeling of being watched pricked at my senses but I was far too tired to care. I laid down on the clean bed and feel asleep seconds after my head hit the pillow.

     I was jolted awake by the sound of someone breathing next to me. As I opened my eyes I nearly screamed, people were just watching me! I felt like a damn painting and it was complete and utter crap. Being scrutinized like some new bacteria under a microscope and insulted as though I weren't right in front of them. "Get out before I drain you all." I snarled with a venomous tone.

      "Someone's a bit snappy, must be all that sexual frustration." A woman commented in a bored tone, causing laughter to bubble around the room. I fumed before scooting off of the bed and stomping out of the crowded bedroom. I slammed right into a thin, willowy girl only a year older than me with short black hair and green eyes. She had delicate features set in a surprised expression, as though she was always pleasantly innocent. But the fire that snapped to life in her eyes made me think twice. "There are more in the bedroom aren't there?" She hissed in a voice the was as soft as silk, I nodded slightly and watched her take off. After some loud shouting I watched the people file out in a nice single file line.... sopping wet. The girl walked back out of the bedroom perfectly dry and grinning.

     "Can I marry you?" I asked in awe, causing both of us to laugh. We walked into the living room and sat down on the couch together. "Sorry babe, but I don't like chicks." She replied with a cheeky smile.

       "I'm Aspen, the new Succubus in town." I introduced myself, shooting her a cheesy wink. She laughed and stuck out her hand, when I shook it she replied, "I'm Violet, your new sidekick."

      Violet was sweet, cheeky, and a bit dirty minded and it was refreshing. I didn't have to be sandwiched between possessive men anymore, I had an actual female friend now. And not just one of my hellhounds but an actual girl who wanted to be my friend. The buzzer went off and we both groaned in annoyance. "I swear if it is another person making a joke about me being a virgin and a Succubus I'll knock their lights out! And if it's another offer to sleep with me I'll kill whoever it is!" I vowed, before getting up to my feet and sliding up to the door and opening it a crack.

        "A virgin, really?" I didn't even process the fact that it was Gage's voice, I just opened the door and punched him in the throat. I glanced up when I heard the rumbling laughter, Colton was laughing while his brother coughed and gasped for air. My eyes widened in surprise as I backed up into the apartment. I'm screwed, once again. Excuse me while I am murdered, I'll be back soon.

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