Safe Haven

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"What did you do?" A shrill voice woke me, but it wasn't me she was yelling at. I was on a bed and I wasn't alone in this room. My eyelids peeled open quickly as everything came rushing back. The first thing I felt was my hunger. The second was my anger at the werewolves. Ash was standing over me by the bed and an older woman was scolding him. She was obviously his mother and she was on my side.

"See she's fine, Mom! Are you feeling okay, Aspen? You were out for a long time, is there any pain? Hunger?" Ash questioned me, giving me a thorough once over. I jerked away from him angrily and fought the urge to feed from him. It would only make matters worse anyway. "Yeah well you know, getting knocked unconscious tends to leave behind one hell of a migraine!" I snarled, getting off of the bed and glaring at the damn werewolf.

"You hit her! If your father had done that I never would've had you, ugh I raised you better! And you had the nerve to complain that she didn't like you, that she didn't feel the connection!" Ash's mother turned on him, defending me in a weird way. I moved to walk out the room and was immediately blocked by a huge wall of werewolf. "Okay, look Ash there is no connection between us. I'm a freaking Succubus! It's in my blood to attract my meals, you're obviously looking for someone that isn't scared of you and can challenge you back and well you need to find someone else. I'm not yours, just like I'm not Sam's got it?" I sighed, trying to break the news gently. It didn't work I pissed both werewolves off.

"What do you think you're too good for my son? Well I'll have you know that no slut is going to become his Luna!" His mother yelled at me, giving me the most terrifying glare. I backed up a step, completely baffled by this change of events. "Mom just stop, she's just a bit confused right now." Ash jumped in to defend me, he was confident that I was his.

"Ugh, I'm hungry okay and this isn't helping. I'm up to my ears in possessive guys already and I can't afford to deal with werewolves! About two months ago I was normal and now I'm a Succubus being tossed around in some power hungry world filled with creatures I never knew existed! So find some other girl that couldn't give two shits about you being some bigwig Alpha with a knack for intimidation! Now get out of my way so I can leave!" I ranted, giving that whole speech without a single break. I left the werewolves speechless for a good two minutes. But all good things must come to an end.

"You can't just leave, this is your only safe place for days. Sam can't enter my territory without my permission, therefore you're safe here. Not even your vampire can do that. Besides I can feed you if you stay here." Ash supplied, stepping a bit closer to me. His mother looked utterly coyand threw one exasperated look at me before turning and walking out of the hallway. "I can't feed from you, I could kill you or worse. I could make the connection or whatever you feel stronger! It'd be one sided and it just isn't right!" I groaned, feeling pangs of hunger ripping at my abdomen. I fought back a bubble of hysterical laughter, how ironic that I'm a Succubus with a conscious.

"Just shut up and feed already!" Ash had the nerve to sound irritated at me, the bossy prick. But I couldn't deny the ravenous hungry tearing me apart inside. With a twinge of regret I jerked forward and kissed a stupid werewolf. The second there was skin on skin contact the powerful glow rushed towards me. I felt whole as pure power surged into my veins. Ash was all hands, he couldn't keep himself still as I fed from him. Annoyance pricked at the serene feeling of the feed, growing as I felt his emotions rushing through me. As his groping attempts grew weaker I pulled away, breaking the tie his emotions had connected to. "Shit, I'm so sorry I'm still learning when to stop. You should be fine though so thanks for that." I mumbled with a small, sheepish smile.

"Do that again, that was better than anything I've ever felt!" Ash grabbed my arms tightly, with a feverish light in his eyes. My eyes widened in panic and I let my body react on instinct. My leg shot up and I nailed him in the crotch before shoving him away from me and making a run for it. The angry grunt urged me to move faster and I raced down an empty hallway and down a flight of stairs. Just as my feet landed on the last step three werewolves blocked my path like an impenetrable wall of muscle. "You guys can read minds can't you?" I panted out, glancing back to see I was in fact completely boxed in.

Kill Me (Unknown Succubus Series book 1)Where stories live. Discover now