Thrinshield's Throne

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I must've dozed off during the flight because when I awoke the helicopter was landing in a large courtyard. I was covered in dried blood, mud, and injuries. Not the best first impression but it would certainly last a lifetime. It was time for these people to see how a throne was won, with real fighting. I exited the helicopter with my head held high and a grin on my face, Seriph pranced alongside me happily. People.... well creatures were gathered around the courtyard eager to spot their new leader. And I guess a five foot four Succubus with a wild fox wasn't what was expected.

"Oh Aspen, you've finally come home to me!" A woman cried out, rushing to me with fake happiness. She was wearing an extravagant dress and a real crown on her head. She had long blonde hair that was up in intricate braids and her green eyes were the only thing we had in common. She was my aunt, my mother's killer, the ex-queen. I pushed her off of me and glared at the slightly taller woman. As a Succubus she had certainly aged well, there wasn't a single wrinkle on her face and she had no grey hairs whatsoever.

"No, I'm here to kick you out of my throne. I've come to tell you that if I ever see you again I will cut your head from your body myself. You killed my birth mother and you sent two humans to kill me during the competition. You are a jealous and bitter creature that was never fit to rule anyone. If you were sane maybe you'd have realized how stupid and twisted the whole competition is. I'm a person not some toy to be fought over so someone can rule. I'm done with this power game and I'm done with you. Now leave before I decide you're worth killing right now after all." I kept my voice strong and clear, so that it was heard by everyone in that courtyard. It wasn't a veiled threat in fact it wasn't a threat at all. It was a promise that I was fully capable of fulfilling.

The woman looked completely shocked, as though she didn't expect her plan to backfire. But the King, oh he looked furious. He even had the nerve to stomp up and try to slap me  across the face. "You insolent child, how dare you talk to your queen that-" He cut off when my hand wrapped around his wrist, stopping his attack. I sent my foot into his chest viciously and then swiped his feet out from under him. I released his wrist and placed my foot on top of his throat once he landed on the hard cobblestone. "Shut up!" I snarled, pressing my foot down until his curses became incoherent choking noises. "I have been hunted down for the past few days by actual threats, you are nothing to me. In fact you will never be anything to me besides a bug I should squash. You have never been my king, in fact I bow down to no one, ever. I am sick of idiots like you trying to control me. I am a fighter and for someone like you to even attempt to control me is ridiculous. You are a joke. I will break you, just test me. I'm sure you watched the competition and you know exactly what I am capable of." I snarled viciously while power and tension filled the air. All eyes were trained on me in shock and I thrived under the stares.

The king continued to choke under my foot and I glared at my aunt wickedly. "Leave now, before I send my hellhounds after you." I ordered, finally releasing the old ass hat. Surprisingly, they did leave. They just up and ran off my castle grounds leaving behind everything they owned inside of the castle.

"I want all traces of them gone within two hours!" I commanded and watched as people scurried to do as I said. I had certainly left a fantastic first impression, no one would underestimate me after that display. I had gained my respect and I had also gained enemies. But loyalty was to be earned eventually so I didn't care. Let's just hope a nineteen year old Succubus could run a kingdom of supernaturals successfully. This was going to be an interesting new start. And after all of this I could finally call my mother and tell her I am alive, and how much I loved her for not being a part of any of this. I certainly had a fun story to tell the grandkids. With a determined sigh I placed a hand in Seriph's fire colored fur and forced myself to relax. I was tended to fight but the battle was done. This whole situation made me paranoid and ready to fend off enemies that weren't there. Who needs self defense classes when this shit exists.
I stared up at the elaborate castle in front of me and nearly gagged. It was so cliche it hurt. I mean it's the twenty first century and I was supposed to stay in a real castle. How unrealistic and expensive to keep running. I was bitter and sarcastic but what teenager wasn't these days.

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