The Mysterious Marina

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"Cause I got a blank space baby, and I'll write your name!" I screamed out the lyrics between fits of laughter. I was currently playing how long will it take for Colton to snap. Everyone in the car was playing and it was fantastic, I'd never seen anything so beautiful. My two hellhounds were Dean and Ben, both of them were tone deaf assholes. Even Jace was playing, then again he was the closest to Colton and therefore he was winning. I went all in, I unbuckled my seatbelt and slid to the front of the van. Colton didn't even know how to react as I parked myself on his lap. Of course he was instantly suspicious which added to the fun.

"Aspen, sitting up here is very dangerous. You aren't wearing a seatbelt." Colton lectured me but didn't do anything to make me go back to my own seat. His hands rested on my hips lightly and I saw my chance. I leaned in super close and grinned. Our lips were millimeters apart and my plan was in action. "I'm not touching you." I laughed, in his face when he tried to kiss me. He titled his head forward and I leaned back. And so the game began, my powers amped up his emotions and pulled the ball into my court. I continued teasing him for a good five minutes before he snapped. "Fine! I'll answer your questions if you stop toying with me! It's annoying, you little minx!" He hissed out, grabbing my face tightly.

"About time, fang face. Now what is this marina place? And what competition? And who's your brother?" I questioned as annoyance flashed across his eyes. Colton released his grip on my face and remained silent. I began tapping my fingers nervously on my thigh as I awaited his answers.

"The Marina is a type of sanctuary for those like you, on the run. But it's also the place the competition is held. It's a competition for you by the way, since Sam and Ash both failed at staking a claim on you. Those participating would be anyone with enough power to control their own kind. Basically most of the unmarried heads of each species. Which means Sam, Ash, my older brother Gage, Vincent a fallen angel, Matthias a merman, and a few others. Whoever wins these power games wins you and gains control over all of us." Colton explained.

"Wait, so I'm just some consolation prize? Do I not get some kind of say in this? I get to just sit back and watch a bunch of idiots try and win ownership of me? No, I'm not going to let this stupid sexist game happen! If this is some macho man competition for me I sure as hell am participating!" I growled, with a furious glare plastered to my face. Colton's hand coiled around my arms and I forcefully shrugged him off before sliding back into the backseat of the car. I just wanted to go home, to see me mom again. Was she even my mother? As far as I knew my mother was human not some energy draining Succubus. Of course nothing was the same anymore and I no longer knew what to believe. I curled up in my previous seat and proceeded to ignore everyone until the car was tense with silence. I was just dozing off when a hand lightly touched my shoulder. I groaned and turned away sluggishly. One of my hellhounds was bugging me. I yawned before turning to look at the idiot who decided to interrupt my slumber. Jace was still singing along to the radio in the from of the car and Colton looked to be asleep as well. I was sandwiched between Ben and Dean but one of them was snoring loudly and completely immobile, the other was in deep shot for waking me up.
"I'm sorry but I have to do this." It was Ben, but by the time I realized that a sharp prick stung my neck. I jerked upright, staring in shock at the needle and syringe in Ben's hand. It was empty and I had just been drugged. "You fucker!" I cursed as my strength drained from me and I was sedated. The darkness was not at all welcoming this time. Not that it had every grisly been welcomed in the past. I was unconscious far too often these days. I was going to have some strong words for Ben when I woke up next. He had better run because I was ready to fight him for stabbing me with a metal piece of deception.
I was also pissed off that Colton gave me such crappy answers and made my crappy situation even worse. I knew my body was slumped over as though I was just sleeping but the fact that it wasn't because I wanted to be asleep made me angry. I had already fallen asleep so Ben had no reason to wake me up just to sedate me back to sleep.
Not only was I being hunted down by Sam, a psychotic werewolf named Ash, and still listed as a missing person but I was stuffed surrounded by people I was supposed to trust. What was so important that I had to be drugged to not see it? I was being taken to a supposedly safe place but I wasn't allowed to know how to get there or even see it. That really instilled loyalty when you're sedated by your pack.

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