Chapter 10

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The rest of school went on like normal. Danny found out that he had the same schedule as Artemis. It turns out she wasn't a big fan of school either. Danny was glad, he kind of liked Artemis. Not in a like, like kind of way. Sam would always have his heart, even if he never got to tell her... But he did think Artemis was pretty cool. So, he wouldn't mind spending more time with her.

Danny followed Artemis to the school gates. There, they met up with Dick and Barbara. "So, what do you want to do?" Dick asked.

Artemis shrugged, "I don't really care." She was already undoing her necktie. "Wanna come back to my place and play board games?"

"That sounds fun." Barbara agreed.

Artemis didn't live too far from the school, so they decided to just walk. As they were walking Dick looked over at Danny. "Where did you go during lunch? You were gone for a while."

Danny rubbed the back of his neck, "I uh... went to the bathroom..." Dick looked at him suspiciously but didn't say anything else about it.

When they reached Artemis' apartment, it kind of reminded Danny of Valerie's. The place was clean, but it wasn't super nice. Danny was starting to wonder how Artemis had gotten into a fancy school like Gotham Academy. But he didn't want to bring it up.

Artemis went to a cabinet in the living room and pulled out a few board games. "What do you guys want to play? I've got Monopoly, Sorry, Apples to Apples, Clue..." Dick's eyes lit up. "Wait, scratch that last one. I want to have an actual chance of winning so if Mr. 'World's Greatest Detective' is here we aren't playing it."

Dick gave her a quick glare for some reason and Artemis' eyes widened. "Dick's really good at Clue," Barbara explained. "He likes to read a lot of detective novels."

Danny got the sneaking suspicion that they weren't telling him everything. He realized that Artemis must have been alluding to the fact that Dick was Robin, but Dick obviously didn't want him to know, so Barbara had come up with a cover story. That must mean that Artemis and Barbara knew about him being a superhero. Could that mean that they were also heroes? When he got home, he was going to do some research on superheroes. Danny respected Dick's decision to not tell him about Batman and Robin, after all, Danny was keeping his own secrets.

They decided on Monopoly, which of course took hours. In the end, Dick won after all. It was around dinner time, so Artemis' mom ordered them a couple of pizzas.

Danny really wasn't feeling good. Ever since he moved in with Bruce, he was having to eat a lot more food than he would have normally. They all seemed so concerned that he wasn't eating enough, that they were practically forcing him to eat more. So of course, when the pizza arrived, he noticed Dick staring at him the entire time. He tried to play it cool and take a couple bites of pizza. But when he looked up again, Dick was still staring at him. So, he took a couple more bites. This continued until Danny had eaten an entire piece of pizza.

He looked over at Artemis, "Can I use your bathroom?"

"Sure," pointed down the hall, "First door on the left."

"Thanks," he stood up and walked to the bathroom. As soon as he walked in, he locked the door. A moment later, he was throwing up into the toilet.

Barbara looked over at Dick, "Is Danny feeling okay? He didn't look too good."

Dick sighed, "Ever since he came to live with us, he's barely been eating anything. We're really worried about him."

Artemis looked down, "Poor guy, it must be so hard to go through something like that. I mean, not only to lose your family... but your best friends too..."

"He seemed to have a good time today though," Barbara commented trying to lift the mood.

Dick nodded, "I think he did. We'll have to do this more often. Hopefully, that'll help cheer him up."

Artemis smiled, "I'm game. He seems like a really fun guy; we just need to make him happier." She turned to Dick, "So, when will you be back at the cave?"

"I'll probably start dropping by again next week." He answered. "I just don't want to leave Danny home on his own too much. Speaking of the cave..." he gave her a mini glare, "Nice job back there, blabbermouth!"

She laughed nervously, "You noticed that?" he glared again, "Sorry about that, I'm just so used to talking to people that know all of that stuff, I completely forgot about him."

Barbara grinned, "Good thing I was there to save the day." The two just rolled their eyes.

Danny sighed as he flushed the toilet. He felt a lot better. He walked back out and helped the others clean up. A few minutes later, Alfred came by to pick up Dick and Danny. Once they got home, Danny went to his room to 'work on homework' instead, he was waiting for Dick and Bruce to go on patrol.

He had learned a few days ago that once he could no longer hear their heartbeats, that meant that they had gone out for the evening. They usually returned around three am. Danny couldn't believe that Dick could function with that little sleep. If Dick got four hours of sleep, that was the equivalent of Danny not sleeping at all. If that was him, Danny would have been falling asleep in class every day.

Danny had gotten in the routine of going out a few minutes after they did. He would then come home at around three as well. It had worked so far for the last few days. As soon as he couldn't hear their heartbeats, Danny flew out the window...

(A/N - Hey guys, thanks for reading! :) Stay whelmed and go ghost!)

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