Chapter 27

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When Danny got back from the planetarium, he felt like he was on cloud nine. It had been a while since he had hung out with Barbara and Artemis; it was nice to not have to think about Danny Phantom for a little while.

*Beep Beep*

Danny sighed, why did he always have to jinx himself? He pulled out a small communicator the team had given him to contact him.

"Hello?" he answered,

"Sorry this is short notice," Black Canary said on the other end, "But are you able to come to the cave tonight?"

"Sure." He replied. Ever since his truce with the other ghosts, his patrols had been a lot quieter. He would run into the occasional rogue ghost every now and then, but it wouldn't hurt if he skipped tonight. Danny quickly transformed and flew off towards the Zeta tube.

~time skip~

When he got there, he saw the rest of the team was looking about as confused as he was feeling. What could be happening so late at night? At that moment, Black Canary and batman walked in. "Sorry for asking you here so late." She said. "But the matter was urgent."

An image appeared on the screen and Batman started talking. "As you remember, a few weeks ago, you apprehended Psimon attempting to steal venom from Santa Prisca. We have recently learned that Psimon was not acting on his own. He appears to have been hired by some organization, the name of which we do not yet know. We received word that this same organization would be targeting Cadmus next. We have no idea what they are after, and we have no idea who will be committing the crime. All we know is that it is happening some time tomorrow."

"We don't know what time," Black Canary continued. "So, you all will have to guard Cadmus all day tomorrow." Danny realized that that meant he would have to skip school. He would have to think about that more. "For now, go on home. Be here first thing in the morning."

~time skip~

Danny got up early the next day and wrote Alfred a note saying he had walked to school and would have Art Club after. Dick was lucky, he got to tell everyone that he was on some trip, while Danny had to cut class. Once the note was finished, Danny flew off towards the Zeta tube.

When he arrived, the rest of the team was already in their costumes. A few minutes later, they were piling onto the bioship and heading towards their destination.

~time skip~

When they arrived at Cadmus, Danny noticed that Conner didn't look very happy. Conner had a bit of a temper, but he decided he should check on him. "You okay?"

Conner looked down, at him. He realized that Danny was the only one who didn't know about his past at Cadmus. "Yeah I... I just have bad memories of this place... I'm a clone of Superman, and well... this is where I was born..."

"Wait..." Danny grinned, "You're a clone?!" Conner looked at him confused, "Sorry just, that's really cool! I know someone else who is a clone! I'll have to introduce you two sometime!"

"You know another clone?" Conner asked.

Danny nodded excitedly, "Yeah! Man, it's going to be so cool! You're going to love her..." the two started walking until they had caught up with the rest of the team.

"Alright." Aqualad started. "We don't know who, or what we are up against. We are going to split up into pairs and keep watch over the entire building. Megan is going to mentally link us so if you see something suspicious, do not hesitate. Superboy and I will take the basement. Zatanna and Miss Martian, guard the outside. Kid Flash and Robin, you take the lobby. Artemis and Danny, you take the roof."

The team split up into their designated partners and waited for the attack. And waited. And waited... And waited......

"Is this guy ever going to show up?!" Wally complained for the fifth time in the last thirty seconds.

Artemis groaned, "Robin can you please shut him up?!"

"Don't worry," he replied, "Little does he know the granola bar he is eating right now is laced with cyanide. Our troubles will be over very soon."

"YOU DID WHAT?!" they all started laughing.

"Have patience my friends," Aqualad focused them again. "They will come. We just have to wait..."

"Wait!" Zatanna said quickly, "I see something?"

"What is it?" Conner asked.

"Something is moving in the bushes," Megan replied. "Artemis can you and Danny see anything?"

"There..." Danny pointed at a bush. Suddenly, a man wearing a mask emerged from the woods.

Artemis growled, "Dad..."

The fight didn't last very long. It seemed that Sports Master was after a Genomorph. What did this organization want it for? Luckily, he didn't get it, but he did manage to escape.

~time skip~

Once Danny got home, he immediately went to bed. Tomorrow was Friday and also happened to be a day off of school, so he was going to spend some time showing Dani around Gotham. He was really looking forward to it. But, for now, he needed to get some sleep... 

(A/N - Thanks for reading! Stay whelmed and go ghost!)

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