Chapter 45

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Another week had passed. Danny went to the Ghost Zone almost on a daily basis. He was trying to figure out what Vlad was doing, but he knew if he pushed to hard, Vlad might do something to Kitty. Therefore, he had to be careful. Unfortunately, he could never have guessed what Vlad's next move would be.

Danny was walking around Gotham, just trying to clear his head. Vlad had made several more attempts to capture him, but as of now, all had failed. Suddenly, one of Vlad's vultures landed in front of him. Danny put up his hands to fight.

"Don't waste your time." it croaked. "We aren't here to fight you. You did not take the bait to rescue the woman, so we have let her go. However," it smirked, "someone else very close to you has taken her place. Turn yourself in, or you will never see her again."

Danny was confused for a moment, but when it hit him, his stomach dropped. He quickly flew into the Ghost Zone and soon found his suspicion to be correct. Vlad had taken Dani...

~time skip~

"Master Danny, good to see you." Danny slumped down in a chair at the kitchen table. "Is something wrong?"

Danny held his head and sighed, "No... I'm fine..."

He got up and went up the stairs to his room. This left Alfred with his worry.

When Danny got to his room, he flopped onto the bed. "Vlad could come for me at any moment... but now he has Dani..." he muttered to himself. He still had no idea what Vlad could want him for. Danny held a pillow over his face in frustration. "If only I was a detective like Dick..."

Danny sat up quickly. Why couldn't he be a detective? This whole time he had just been letting things happen. When Vlad killed his parents, he just waited to see what Vlad's next move was. Then after Vlad was sent to prison, he's just been waiting to see what his plan was. Maybe Danny needed to take the initiative and figure out Vlad's plan before he could enact it.

Danny jumped off the bed. For weeks he had been dreading what would happen next, but now, now he was taking the bull by the horns. Clockwork couldn't figure out what Vlad was doing, so that left it to Danny. He reached into his drawer and pulled out a notebook, a marker, some tape, and he found some string. Time to get to work...

~time skip~

A little bit before Alfred started dinner, Bruce finally came in from work.

"Good evening Master Bruce, how was your day?"

He shrugged as he walked into the kitchen. "It was alright, I guess. Nothing really out of the ordinary."

"Where is master Dick?" Alfred reached for a pan.

"He decided to spend the night at the cave with the team." He answered. "Is Danny back yet?"

Alfred bit his lip, "Yes... he came home a while ago. But master Bruce... I think you should check on him... he didn't seem well."

Now Bruce was concerned "What do you mean?"

Alfred sighed, "I know that Danny has done some things that seemed suspicious, but he has yet to do anything wrong the entire time he has been here. When he came in today, he seemed so... defeated..."

Bruce looked down, "I've been a horrible guardian, haven't I? I just... in the line of work I'm in, I have to be suspicious of everyone."

"I know Master Bruce," Alfred said sympathetically. "But he's just a child..."

~time skip~

Bruce stood outside of Danny's room. He took a deep breath before gently tapping on the door. "Danny? Can I come in?" he waited a moment, but there was no answer. "Danny?" he called again but there was no reply.

Bruce slowly opened the door. When he walked in, his jaw dropped. All he could do was stare as he took it all in. Dozens of papers were taped all over the room. Some were even hanging from the ceiling. How had he gotten them up there? Different pages were connected together with a red string. Bruce had to duck under several strings just to walk further into the room.

Danny was sitting in the middle of the chaos. He was sitting on his bed, surrounded by loose sheets of paper. He was furiously writing something on a piece of paper. Danny had his headphones on, that must have been why Bruce hadn't got a reply.

Danny finished with his page and got off the bed. However, in doing this, he finally saw Bruce standing in the doorway. "What are you doing here?!"

"I'm sorry... I knocked, but you didn't answer..." Bruce looked around the room, "Danny, what is all of this?"

He tore his headphones out of his ears and ran over to him. "It's uh... it's nothing..."

Bruce took a page off of the wall, "Vlad hired the GIW to kill me, but failed." Bruce's eyes widened as he read it aloud. "Danny, what does this mean?"

"Get out." Danny glared at him.

"Danny if someone is trying to hurt you, I need to know," Bruce said with concern.

"I'm fine I just... agh!" he started pulling at his hair. "You wouldn't understand!"

"If you would tell me what was going on, perhaps I could understand." He reasoned.

Danny looked up at himsadly, "Do you really think you could help...?"

(A/N - Well guys, we're nearing the end. :) I hope you have been liking it so far. Just a few more weeks to go! :) I'm so ready to be back to only updating one story a week lol. :) Stay whelmed and go ghost!)

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