Chapter 37

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When Danny came to, all he could hear was an annoying beeping. He opened his eyes to see that he was in some kind of hospital room. "That was a really stupid thing you did back there." He turned his head and saw Batman sitting in a chair across from him.

Danny sat up a bit. "He admitted to hiring the villains. That's all that matters."

"Yes, he did." Batman continued. "He is being arrested for theft. But you should be thanking your lucky stars that he's not pressing charges. Because if he was there's not much we could do. We have video evidence of you assaulting him."

Danny rolled his eyes, "Vlad would never press charges. Not when I know who he really is."

"That brings me to my next question." Batman sat up a bit, "How do you know Vlad Masters? And what did he mean by, 'what you are'?"

Danny bit his lip, "When I joined this team, you promised that you would let me handle affairs when it came to people like me. Well, Vlad is like me. Exactly like me. Well, he should be... I don't know how he was able to wear that belt... there's something going on here..."

"Something that you aren't going to tell us?" Batman asked.

Danny sighed, "Look, for right now let's just keep Vlad in jail. That will hopefully give me some time to get things figured out." He started to stand up, "In the meantime, I need to get to work."

"Wait," Batman tried to get him to sit back down. "Your vitals are really low. Whatever that belt did to you almost killed you. See?" he pointed at the heart monitor that was beeping dangerously slow.

"Oh, that?" Danny ripped the tubes and wires off of him. "That's normal. Now, I'm sorry for causing a scene, but I really have to go." Danny turned invisible and flew out the door leaving Batman to question what was really going on.

~time skip~


"In here great one!"

Danny followed the voice and flew into Frostbite's study. Clockwork was already sitting there. "We need to talk..."

Danny told them everything that he learned from Vlad. What they knew so far, was that Vlad was searching for something in Star Labs. He had tried to steal three different items from three different places. Johnny had told Danny that he was working on some kind of gauntlet, but Vlad wasn't building the Reality Gauntlet so he must have made a new plan. The question was, what could it be?

"What could he have needed those items for?" Frostbite mused.

"There is something else odd." They looked to Clockwork. "I have not seen Vlad going into a Star Labs for quite some time."

"Could he have found what he was looking for?" Danny asked.

"Is it possible..." they looked back to Frostbite. "That those thefts were merely a distraction? Used to cover up what he is really planning?"

"Robin said something similar... But... that would mean..." Danny looked down. "That would mean we played right into his hands. He's always one step ahead of us!"

Clockwork put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't blame yourself. None of us know what Vlad's next move is. Not even me. And I can't tell you how frustrating that is. Somehow, Vlad is able to be in two places at once and wear a specter deflector. These are two things that should be impossible. I'm afraid there is nothing more we can do until he makes his next move."

"For right now Great One, why don't you head home and rest. If I remember correctly, you have a big day tomorrow." Danny had completely forgotten; tomorrow was Thursday. He was getting on a train after school and going back to Amity Park.

Danny nodded, "You're right. There's nothing else we can do right now." With that, Danny created a portal and flew back into the real world.

~time skip~

Bruce sat down on the couch and reached for the phone. "Hello, Gotham Academy? This is Bruce Wayne."

"Good evening Mr. Wayne." A voice answered. "How may I help you?"

"I wanted to let you know that Danny Fenton will not be in school on Friday." He answered. "He will be visiting his hometown."

"Fenton... Fenton... oh..." Bruce frowned at that.

"Is something wrong?" he asked.

"Well... no..." she answered. "Since you are calling on his behalf it's fine but... Danny has missed a lot of school already."

Bruce was confused. "What do you mean? Danny's gone to school every day since he's come to live with us. Sure, he said he has occasional Art Club trips but..."

"Art Club?" she asked. "With his grades, he wouldn't be allowed in any clubs."

"I knew his grades weren't good, but I didn't think they were bad enough to not be allowed in clubs," Bruce stated.

"Mr. Wayne," she continued, "It says here in his report card that Danny is failing all his classes. He's never at school and when he is, he's always asleep. It's fine if he's gone Friday, but after that, he can't miss anymore school. We've tried giving him detention, but he never shows up. In fact, we were just about to call you ourselves."

"I see... well thank you for informing me..." Bruce hung up. What was Danny doing?

(A/N - Hey guys! Thanks for reading. My condolences go out to the families who lost loved ones on 9/11. Stay whelmed.)

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