An Explanation

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Harry's POV:

As I walked down the train corridor, I thought of what I had nearly done to my Aunt and Uncle. I hadn't gotten in trouble. The Ministry hadn't so much as sent me a letter. Or a Howler, which I found strange.

I remembered the blood pumping through my veins. It had felt right at the time. I wanted to see them hurt. I wanted to see them in pain. But that wasn't me. I'm not a vengeful person. I want to help people and give them a second chance. Then why did I do that? I honestly had no idea.

I walked to the back of the train to the empty compartment I had always sat in then put my trunk away and laid down on the seat, trying to figure out why I had nearly burned my Aunt and Uncle to a crisp.

I distantly heard the compartment door slide open, but didn't even have to open my eyes to know who it was. Right on time.

"Potter." The sneer in his voice wasn't near as profound as I expected it to be.


"What's wrong with you? You look ill." I rolled over and opened my eyes, looking into his silvery grey ones.

"And why would you care if I were? You've ever shown interest in anything but yourself, so I don't know why you're starting now." Malfoy scoffed.

"I'm not, believe me. I have better things to focus on than your pathetic self." I rolled my eyes.

"Then why are you here?"

Malfoy shrugged. "Looking for a compartment. But I'd rather hold onto the roof of the train than sit in the same compartment as you." I scoffed then rolled over and closed my eyes again.

"Okay. Now that I've been thoroughly insulted, I'd like to take a nap. Bye Malfoy."

I could practically feel his irritation as he slammed the compartment door shut.


The train arrived at Hogwarts quickly. Well, quickly to me. I slept through most of the journey. Nearly killing your last living blood family can really take the energy out of a person. Also being possessed by a demon known to most as Lord Voldemort. That's what I had figured out had happened.

He used to make me feel angry all the time. So recently as last year, actually. Dumbledore had said that it was over, that he couldn't handle being in a body with so much love. I still thought that was stupid logic.

But I knew he was back. He was somehow in control of me. I never would have done that to my Aunt and Uncle before. No matter how mad they made me, I never could have done it. And how did I do it? How did I just control the flames like that? I had never been able to do that before. Not without a wand. There were only two wizards I knew powerful enough to do that, and, as far as I know, Dumbledore has never possessed someone.

I stepped off of the train and got in a carriage, the thoughts still rattling around my head. More people piled in and gave me awed stares, but I ignored them.

I stared out the window as the carriage pulled up to the castle and watched its magnificent shape tower above me, barely processing it in my haze of thoughts.

When I walked into the Great Hall, I was immediately tackled to the ground by a familiar ginger.

"Harry mate! Where have you been? We were looking for you all up and down the train!" I shrugged as I stood and brushed off my robes.

"I was in the same compartment we're always in." Hermione sighed.

"I sent Ron to look at that end of the train. He must have gotten...distracted." She eyed the chocolate frog cards protruding from his robes.

"Hey!" Ron said indignantly as we walked towards the table.

As soon as we sat down, I told Ron and Hermione in a hushed voice of what had happened that morning. Hermione's eyes were wide and fearful and Ron's were much of the same.

"Tell Dumbledore!" She said as soon as I finished. I wasn't surprised with her answer, but for some reason it still annoyed me. Far more than it should have.

"I'm not going to tell Dumbledore, Hermione! I'm just getting Voldemort out of my head and now he's back? What would Dumbledore do? Tell me to focus on love like some hippie and it will solve all of my problems? I don't think so!"

Now I was standing and practically shouting. I couldn't remember standing, and I couldn't even figure out why I was so angry.

"You know what? Fuck this. I'm going to the Common Room."

"But what about dinner? And the Sort-"

"Do you honestly think I fucking care?" I called behind me as I stormed from the Great Hall.

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