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Harry's POV:

I walked up to the dormitory and sat down on my bed. I waved my wand so the hangings closed, blocking me off from anyone's view.

Who are you? I tried to picture the words in my thoughts.

Obvious. The person who is currently protecting your head. I would have thought even you would have figured that out.

For a moment I wondered if it was Snape, but then I remembered he would rather drop dead than help protect me.

I'm so glad it's such a decent human being protecting me. After all, I'd hate a rude and snarky one. I heard laughter in my head. This was very strange.

I'm happy to be helping you. After all, it was rather a dire situation. Now tell me. What was it like having your mind open to the Dark Lord? I know he takes no pity on his victims. And he would take even less on Harry Potter.

The fact that they called him The Dark Lord worried me. Didn't only his supporters call him that? Dumbledore did say that this was their second chance, so maybe they used to be a Death Eater? Again, I kept thinking of Snape.

It was like my head was splitting open. I didn't think anything else could hurt more. I wanted more than anything to give up, but I was convinced not to.

By whom? The voice asked curiously.

If you know me at all you'd know the answer to that. My friends, of course. Hermione kept telling me who I was and who I am deep down. She said how I like to watch the lake and sit at the window and love to make my friends happy. Then Ron started and mentioned Sirius. They brought me back. I don't think anyone else could have. The voice in my head was suddenly quiet.

Who are you? I asked again.

I got no response. I waited for about ten minutes, but the voice in my head stayed silent.

I huffed as I laid down on the bed, not even bothering to change. The most I did was kick off my shoes then I curled up under the blankets and slowly fell into an uneasy sleep.


"Malfoy's awfully quiet today." I looked up from my cauldron and over to the Slytherin's table. He was brewing his potion in silence. Ron was right. I hadn't heard him say a word all day.

"I talked to him yesterday. Apologised. I think he-"

"Wait a minute. You apologised to him? You have nothing to be sorry for!" I shook my head.

"When I...wasn't in my right frame of mind, I kind of...went at him." Ron raised an eyebrow.

"Went at him how?" I ran my hand through my hair anxiously.

"I kind of...attacked him?"

Ron's mouth dropped and I heard Hermione's books clatter to the stone floor.

"You did what?" She hissed in my ear.

"I-I didn't know what I was doing! And for once he was actually only trying to help. Yesterday morning I apologised for hurting him. He didn't do anything wrong. I did."

I looked up and saw that Malfoy was watching me. I thought I saw the shadow of a smile on his lips, but he turned away before I could be certain.

"But he's Malfoy!" Ron moaned.

"Harry did the right thing, taking responsibility for his actions. It's very adult of you." I rolled my eyes.

"Gee, thanks 'Mione. That just about made my day." Ron snorted, but we all became silent as Snape walked by our table.


"Harry!" Hermione said in exasperation as she grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the D.A.D.A. classroom. My thoughts had been wandering and I hadn't been paying attention to where I was going. Again.

"Who's our new teacher, anyway?" I asked as I sat down in one of the seats at the back.

"You'll never guess." Ron said, a grin on his face.

I looked up as the door opened and none other than Remus Lupin walked in. He looked like he had been through hell, but a smile still shown on his face. I knew him well enough though to recognize the tiredness in his eyes and the sadness they held.

"I thought they wouldn't let him teach because of his condition!" I whispered in shock.

"Dumbledore really wanted him back. He said he didn't care about the Howlers and would use them all to light the Hogwarts fires if they kept coming." I grinned.

"I'm surprised you didn't notice him at the Head Table this morning." Ron said as he pulled out his books.

"Books away, everyone!" Lupin said from the front. It felt strange calling him Moony on the very grounds where he and my Father used to play their tricks.

The students whispered in excitement as they stowed their books back into their bags.

"And wands out. Today we are going to be working on something we have actually worked on before. I know for many this may be review, but, in this coming war, we know that every spell to fight the dark counts." Students were looking at one another in confusion.

"What's he talking about?" I mumbled to Ron.

"No idea. Maybe boggarts? Or another obstacle course?"

"Don't be ridiculous Ronald. That was just for exams." Hermione hissed.

I looked back up at the front and saw a school trunk sitting there for the first time. I guess I hadn't noticed it before. It was wobbling slightly.

"Yeah. It's boggarts." Ron groaned.

"I don't need everyone seeing my fear of spiders again." I sniggered.

"Don't worry mate. It's not worse than-" I lowered my voice "-a fear of failing exams." Hermione slapped me with her book and Ron and I burst into laughter.

"Harry? Ron? How about you two go first. Show everyone what to do." Ron and I slowly pushed away from our desks.

"Serves you right." Hermione mumbled and I glared at her as we walked up to the front.

I felt a pair of eyes on my and turned to my left and locked eyes with the blond Slytherin boy. There was no malice or hatred in his gaze. It seemed almost...curious.

"Ready? Ron, you go first." Ron pulled out his wand and I noticed his hand was shaking.

"Hey. If you can handle the Ministry, you can handle a boggart." I whispered to him and he nodded. His hand stopped shaking a bit.

"Ready? One." Ron took a shaky breath.


"Remember, think of something funny." I whispered to him.


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