The Letter

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Harry's POV:

Ron and Hermione walked me down to the dungeons. It honestly felt like I was being escorted into prison, the way they were following me.

"I'm not going to bolt, you know." I joked.

"I know mate. But you said no breakfast and we are making sure hunger doesn't get the better of you."

"Like you're one to talk." I said, nodding to the biscuit in his hand.

"You said you couldn't have breakfast. Not me."

We kept walking until two people came flying past us. "Draco! Wait!" I recognized Pansy's voice then watched as she and Draco both bolted through the dungeons.

"What the hell was that?" Ron asked in surprise.

"I dunno but, since he's not here now, I figure that means I can have breakfast?" Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Fine. But then you talk to him after. Deal?" I nodded. "Deal."


Draco's POV: (Ten Minutes Earlier)

"Draco! Wake up!" I woke up to a familiar voice, then felt myself fall onto the floor.

"What the hell, Pansy?" I demanded as I stood and brushed myself off.

"You wouldn't wake up and I got tired of waiting. And here. You got a letter. It's not like you came to breakfast or anything, so I had to bring it to you. Don't get used to the royal treatment." I chuckled as I took the letter from her.

As soon as I read it, I felt my stomach drop.
"I-I have to go."

I scrambled over my bed and pulled out my Wizard's robes instead of my school robes.

"Why? What's happened?"

"Just read the letter!" I said as I pulled on my robes and fixed my hair.

I tied my shoes then grabbed my wand from my nightstand.

"Draco? Where are you going?"

"St. Mungo's! Did you read the fucking letter or not?"

"You can't just leave! It's a school day! You could get in loads of trouble!"

"Since when have you ever cared about trouble?"

I bolted out of the dormitory, Pansy running after me.

"Draco! Wait!"

I didn't wait. I climbed the ladder to the trapdoor of the dungeons, then sprinted across the grounds.

"Draco! You can't just leave!" I didn't listen and kept running until I was at the Hogwarts gates and as soon as I was out of the grounds, I turned on my heel and apparated away.


I stormed into the hospital and demanded to be taken to Room 226. The startled nurse had me fill out a piece of paper stating that I did in fact know the patient in question, then led me to the room.

As soon as I got there, I collapsed in the chair by my Mother's bed. Her eyes were closed and her face was ghostly pale, but her chest was slowly rising and falling. I laid my head down on her arm, savoring the familiar scent of roses and perfume.

"Oh Mother...what did you do?"

I looked up at her still face and wished more than anything her eyes would open and she would start telling me Andromeda's story about how she struggled through a bad home and managed to have a happy family of her own. I wished she would just open her eyes and console me as if I were still a child and tell me everything would be okay.

I squeezed her hand tightly in mine, wishing that just by my will she would come back to me.

"You're okay Mother. You will be okay. I promise."

A Healer walked in just then and looked at me with surprise.

"Oh! Hello. Are you her son?" I nodded.

"Of course. Now why is she here? What happened?" The Healer sighed.

"She was hit by several curses at once. She is in a coma now. She can still hear us, so you can talk to her. We believe that with much rest and treatment, she will be fine." I looked down at my Mother and held her hand, if possible, even tighter.

"Put her name down as Karline Smith." The Healer looked at me in confusion.

"What are you talking about Sir?"

"I'm talking about what I just said. You have her name under Narcissa Malfoy? Change it to Karline Smith."

I knew the Death Eaters would come looking for her to finish off the job. Changing her name would, hopefully, buy her the time she needed to get out if something were to happen.

The Healer slowly nodded and walked out of the room.

"I'm so proud of you Mother. I'm so proud of you for leaving. You did something that scared you."

I felt tears sliding down my face, but didn't wipe them away. I knew more would only come and replace them.

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