Chapter 1

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Flashing lights and blaring alarms.

I'm on my back, lungs full of water . . . It's all I can really make of what's going on. I roll over and cough the water onto the ground, noticing as it falls through the grated floors. 

My chest heaves as I finally breathe in clearly.

What the hell is going on? Where the fuck am I? My head was pounding as questions popped into it. I am going up and that's pretty much all I know.

I scream and I yell - for anybody who could possibly hear me, but it seemed to be to no avail.

"Hello?!" My voice came out raw and broken. It didn't sound quite right, but I could definitely recognize it as my own as it echoed through the darkness. "Help me!"

Unfortunately, nobody heard my shouts of terror.

I feel around on the ground in front of me . . . hoping that I could possibly find a switch or a door - something to let me out or give me a clue as to where I actually was.

I felt around me, but to no avail. What I did find out, however, was that I was in a box - a metal, grated cube with some sort of cross-wire gating for walls. Every few seconds the box passed a light as it ascended higher and higher through the darkness.

Using this light, I saw a few small crates around the edges of the cage. I would have investigated these further, but the box was flying up at speeds so high that I fell to the ground when I tried to stand.

That was when I noticed the girl. She was lying on the ground a few feet away from me, unmoving. Her eyes were closed and her body was completely still aside from the shaking of the cage.

She looked like she was dead . . .

I silently panicked, wondering what the hell I could do. I looked up through the metal gating, but what I saw frightened me even more that the possibly dead girl on the ground next to me.

My blood had run cold - it was the end of this tunnel and I was hurling toward it with incredible speed. I was going to be crushed into a pancake . . . 

I started yelling even louder. "Hey! What's going on?!"

Nobody heard me, of course. I reached over and shakily checked the girl's pulse and I eventually found one. I felt a wave of relief flood my body, but it left as soon as it had come - she wouldn't be alive for long. The cage was rushing up to the end of the tunnel and it didn't seem like it was going to stop. It was going to crash straight into the wall, killing the both of us.

I began to just accept my fate - what could I do? I felt utterly powerless as I c cradled my knees to my chest and looked over at the girl. I silently hoped I would be missed. Would my family know what happened? What about my friends?

My thoughts halted as it suddenly occurred to me . . . Who even are my friends? My family? Why can't I remember them?

I was about to die and I couldn't even remember anything about my family or friends. I couldn't even remember my own name! What the hell was even wrong with me?

Whatever - I knew there was nothing I could do at that point. I hoped silently that they would remember me, even if I couldn't remember them. Maybe me not knowing them would somehow make it easier to accept my approaching fate.

I looked up and saw that the end was drawing near - we were almost to the top.

What a way to go, I suppose - In a box that shooting up to crash into a wall.

Way to go y/n.

Hey, wait . . . My name! My name is y/n. 

At least I would know my name when I died.

The One - Newt x Reader Book 1Where stories live. Discover now