Chapter 14

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Third Person P.O.V.

Ava Paige walks into the conference room. She struts to the front of the table and removes her jacket. 

"Well, I think it's safe to say that the maze trials were a complete success," she says. She stops and looks down at the papers on the table."I wasn't expecting so many survivors, but... the more the merrier." 

She looks back up, towards the people standing against the wall in the back.

"Thomas continues to surprise and impress." She looks around the table at the many people sitting around it. She holds a confident and proud attitude as she presents her report. 

"And for now, they seem to have taken the bait," she said with a tiny triumphant smile.

Everyone in the room is listening intently, satisfied to see their years of hard work finally be gettin somewhere.

"It's too soon to say, but..." she stops and sighs. "They could be the key to everything."

She stops with another dramatic pause.

"So let's move forward," she said, looking up smugly. "It's time to begin Phase Two."

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