Chapter 2

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                                   Thomas' P.O.V.

That girl - that we thought was dead - just shot up and said my name. Then she fell back down and the Med-Jacks took her to the med hut. How did she know me?

I really don't need this right now.

I'm already getting so much shit from Gally.


She was the girl from that dream... or was it a memory? I think it was a memory.

This was the girl from my memory. Why is she unconscious, though? I don't think that's ever happened . . . a greenie coming up unconscious?

After we settled down, the other girl, who had somehow managed to hide from us in the box and take off at the first opportune time, Newt started leading her to the Med-Jack's hut. Maybe she would know who the other girl was. Minho and I followed at a distance.

"You're absolutely sure you don't recognize her?" Minho questioned. I knew Minho was still a bit unsure about me. I also knew that this clearly looked so unbelievably suspicious.

"I'm positive, man. I don't know how she knew my name." It's a lie, but it's only because I don't know what would happen if I told them I think I'm remembering things. I'm not lying about knowing how she knew my name. Even if we knew each other before this, she shouldn't remember, right?

I don't.

Completely, at least.

It could cause a panic through the Glade. Gally is already breathing down my neck. Plus with the whole situation going on with Alby...

I looked forward and saw Newt chuckling about something with the Greenie. She looked worried. Scared.


A girl. That's a definite first.
Two girls, at that.
We've never had a girl or two people in the box at a time. That's two firsts at the same time.

And apparently they're the last ones... ever.
That probably means they're not going to send up any more supplies, right?
So, to sum it up, we're pretty much doomed unless we, the runners, find a way out of here.
No pressure or anything.
Minho and I discussed the maze as we trailed behind Newt and Y/N. He gave me a few tips for when we run tomorrow and things like that.
We finally reached the Med-Jack hut and walked inside. Newt and Y/n were already inside, standing next to the unconscious girl. She's was kind of pretty, - both of them were. As soon as I saw the girls face I knew she looked familiar.

It was like deja vu.
We walked past Alby, who was breathing hard and pulling at his restraints, and stood behind them.
"We've never had two people come up at a time . . . do you know her?"

I watched as Y/n looked at the other girl. She stared for a minute, as if willing herself to know who she was. She looked up at Newt.

"No. I have no idea who she is," she said quietly. She had a soft and warm voice. "She kind of seems familiar though... I don't know."
"Well if you remember anything about who she is, don't hesitate to tell us, good that?" Minho chimed in.

"Yeah, okay," Y/n said back. 

I looked at the girl.

"Y/n..." I heard a voice say. I looked up to see who was talking, but nobody was. There were only six people in the hut. Me, Minho, Newt, Jeff, y/n, and the girl. Nobody was talking to me.
"What's wrong with her, Jeff? Why won't she wake up?" Newt questioned.

"Hey man, I got my job the same way you did," Jeff said calmly.

I looked back down at the girl.

"Y/n, can you hear me?" I looked back up. Still nobody talking to me.

That's when I realized, this voice... is in my head? Someone was talking to me... in my head. How?

And why were they calling me Y/n? I decided to give it a try, myself.

"Hello..?" I thought out. I don't know how to describe it . . . I guess like pushing my thoughts out?

"Thomas? It's me! Teresa! Where am I? I can hear people talking..."

That was when I assumed it was the girl on the table.


"Teresa? You're unconscious but it's okay."

Newt nodded and nudged Y/n's shoulder. He motioned to the door with his head, signaling for her to follow him. I looked back to the girl.

She looked... peaceful.

I remembered her being in one of my dreams- er... memories.

"Thomas, everything is going to change," was what she had said to me. What had she been talking abou-

"Do you know her?" Newt asked, cutting into my thoughts. They must have noticed me staring and stopped to see if I knew who she was. I just shook my head "no."

"Really? Because she seemed to know you," he said with a hint of accusation.

I can't tell them about this.

"I don't know her," I said with a shrug and a shake of my head. I brought up the note, but Newt said to worry about it later.
I then ran back outside. I'm going back into the maze.
Minho followed after me and asked me if I was crazy or had a death wish or something. Apparently nobody else is curious to see what was up with the griever body.
I eventually convinced him, and he told me to meet him in the woods in thirty minutes.


When I went to go meet Minho, I found that he had assembled a small group. Perfect.

We approached the body of the dead griever.

"What's in there?" Someone asked, pointing out a small flashing light in the remains of the griever.
"You mean besides a griever pancake?" Frypan half joked. We went forward and started to pull it out, but the metal leg swung up, causing us to all jump back.
"I thought you said it was dead!"

"It could just be reflexes, right?"

"You hope," Winston argued.

   Minho then reached in between the walls and into its body with a sickening squishing noise. His face scrunched up in disgust as he grabbed ahold of the flashing light.
What he pulled out, was a weird metal cylinder.
He wiped some of the griever goo off of it and saw that there was a number 7 on it.
"Can we go now? I don't wanna meet this guys friends..." Frypan said nervously. We all agreed and headed back to the Glade.

When we got back, Minho ran after me and tapped my shoulder. Then he signaled for me to follow him. He led me to another hut, hidden behind several shrubs and trees.

We walked in and I began to take in my surroundings.

"What is this place, Minho?"
It was a small hut with a big table in the middle of it. On the table, was what looked like a map made out of intricately placed toothpicks.
Minho explained how it was a map of the maze.
"I thought you guys were still mapping it."
"No. It's been done for a while, we just never actually found a way out. We told everyone we were still mapping it out. It was Alby's call. We still needed to give people hope that we would escape one day, even if it was false hope." He paused and pulled the metal thing out of his bag. "But, you may have just found something to give them real hope, Thomas."

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