Chapter 3

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Y/n's P.O.V.

It turns out the blonde boy was just taking me to the "med hut" to see if I knew that other girl. I told him the truth.

I don't.

She does seem familiar though.

Thomas walked in with the tan boy a minute or two after we did. The boy told me to make sure I told them if I remembered anything about her, which I politely agreed to.

When told him I would, another guy walked in. He stood next to the girl as the blonde guy started asking him questions.
I looked at the girl, she had black hair. Light skin... not much more I can say considering she is unconscious.

"So why won't she wake up?" I heard the Brit ask.

"Hey man, I got my job the same way you did," the boy said. I wasn't sure how to feel about his defeated yet oddly calm tone.

I zoned out as they continued their conversation.
The blonde boy started to lead me out of the hut. On the way out, we noticed Thomas. He was staring intently at the girl and I could tell his mind was racing.

"Do you know her?" the blondie asked. Thomas just shook his head. "Really? Because she seemed to know you."

Thomas shook his head and shrugged.

"I don't know her."

We stood in silence for a second.

"I think we should worry about the note," Thomas said.

"We can worry about that later," the Brit responded.

"He's right, Newt. The box isn't coming back up. How long do you think we can last?" the dark-skinned "med jack" cut in.

The blonde one, Newt, was silent for a second.

"Calm down, alright? Let's not jump to any conclusions," he said.

Thomas then ran out of the hut. Minho looked at Newt and they exchanged a glance. Newt nodded towards the door and Minho turned and ran after Thomas.

"Come on, green bean. Let's talk," the blonde said as he walked out of that hut. He led me across the grass to a bunch of tables. He sat down and patted the bench next to him, signaling me to sit with him.

I sat down and met his eyes.

"I should probably introduce myself properly. I'm Newt," he said as he angled his body towards me. He then stuck out his hand for me to shake. I grabbed it and gently shook it.

"Now I know you have questions, but we're in a bit of a situation so some of them might be a bit difficult to answer," Newt said.

I nodded and asked my first question.

"What is this place?"

"This, Greenie, is the Glade."

He motioned his hands towards the grass and trees to the gardens and small buildings. I nodded. The Glade... it does have a nice ring to it.

"What are we doing here?"

"Nobody knows. You can ask the people who put us in here if you ever meet them."

I nodded again, slowly.
Newt explained to me how the box I came up in was only supposed to come up once a month. It was supposed to have one new "Glader" and the month's worth of supplies. He explained that it had come up only a few days ago.

It had come up twice in week, the second time with two girls in it.

"That's why everyone's a bit freaked out right now," Newt explained.

"I can understand why," I said quietly. "How long have you guys been here?"

Newt looked down. He was silent for a minute.

"A while. We've been looking for a way out for 3 years," he said, finally meeting my eyes.
He explained the maze to me - how behind those towering walls, there is a huge maze. He told me about the monsters - grievers, he called them - who roam the maze at night.

He told me about the runners.

"Those two boys that were in the med hut with us? That was Thomas and Minho. Thomas was our greenie that came up the other day. Minho, the other one? He's the keeper of the runners. That means he is in charge of them."
I nodded and looked down at my lap.
He told me how the runners bravely go out there and map the maze, looking for a way out.

He also told me about the effects of a griever's sting - "the Changing." How it was a very painful thing, and how it brought back memories and made you go crazy.
I just nodded and listened intently. Now we were just sitting and looking over the Glade.

"Y/n? Can you hear me? It's Teresa," I heard a girl's voice call out.

I must have jumped or something, because Newt was looking over at me curiously.

I looked around, but there was no other female to be talking to me. The other one was unconscious.
That's when it came flooding back. The girl was my . . . sister. Teresa! But . . . how can I hear her? 


I looked up.

She was... in my head. How?
Can I do it back? Maybe if I try to call out her name in my mind . . .

"Hello?" I thought out.

"Y/n! Where am I? Where are you?" I heard her say in my mind.

"Teresa," I mumbled.

"What?" Newt asked.

I looked up at him with wide eyes. "Teresa. That's her name. She's... she's my sister!"

And at that, I jumped up off the bench and took off running. I ran as fast as I could to the med hut. Newt was on my tail, urging me to stop and asking what the hell I was doing. When I got there, she was gone.

"Where is she?!"

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