Beauty of Pain

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Hi Everyone!

I'm so overwhelmed with the response I'm getting to my little story! thank you so much for all your comments, reads etc it really does make my day. I also want you to know what I have planned...I am so excited about. A lot of drama to come.

As soon as Amelia slammed the door on Tommy she slid down the door and held her breath. The pain was searing in her legs and she scorned herself for staying out so long. Not wanting Tommy to see her in pain she had to cut their conversation short.

Amelia finally got up, ran up the stairs to her bedroom and took off her dress. Sighing she looked down to see one or the stitches had become loose and she was starting to bleed.

"Great" she hissed as she pressed her hand to wound.

The next day was a busy one for Tommy as he continued to resolve business matters that had come up. Finally arriving back at the betting den he was waiting for his family to arrive. As he arrived back in Birmingham he had Finn round the family up for a meeting.

Polly and Michael arrived first. Polly looked lighter in Michael's presence but her eyes where trained on him like a sniper, not wanting him to disappear out of her sight.

"What's this about?" Polly asked as she slipped a cigarette between her ruby red lips. Tommy eye'd Polly and then looked to Michael.

Polly nodded "It's okay, he's aware of our business"

Tommy cleared his throat, not yet ready to trust their new family member "We have an issue at one of our docks" was all he said as he took a seat at the table.

Arthur, John and Esme soon entered the house and took their seats.

"Right, we have a problem at one of our docks. Word has got back that someone working the night shift is letting shipments in for the Chinese. We need this sorting quickly and a warning sending to those who dare"

Tommy was trying hard to keep out the details so that Michael knew as little as possible.

"What's in the shipments?" Arthur leaned forward and asked.

"Snow" was all Tommy said.

Arthur nodded and knew that it was now his responsibility to find the person letting their shipments pass.

Just as Tommy went to move on with the meeting Finn came bursting through the door with his cap in his hands.

"Sorry Tommy, Amelia's ere' to see Polly" and Finn looked around the meeting, his distaste for Michael being there instead of him apparent.

"Tell her to come-" Tommy started

"In" Polly finished for Tommy, he threw her a look of annoyance at the change of plan which she didn't care for. Finn wasted no time before he ran out of the room to fetch her.

"Anyone would think he wasn't happy to see her" Esme whispered to John and John quickly shushed his wife.

Tommy sat back down impatiently waiting for her to arrive. Esme was wrong, Tommy couldn't think when she was around and right now he had to focus on finding the thief before others followed.

"What is she to you Mum?" Micheal asked as he turned to his mum.

Polly hadn't expected him to call her mum so quickly and was taken back by the question.  Quickly pulling herself together she answered simply "She's the family nurse" not wanting to explain the circumstances in front of Tommy.

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