We're All A Bit Undone

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Tommy stood at the bar in the Garrison as his brother Arthur poured him a drink. As he lit up a cigarette he began to contemplate his plan for the Chinese, picking over every final detail to ensure he was prepared. There could be no mistakes. By executing his plan Tommy knew that all of their troubles with the secret smuggler would be rectified and he could move on to the plan for London.

Arthur was speaking to John about some woman that he had been seeing but Tommy couldn't pull himself out of his head to focus. Tommy's brain was taking him away, to her. Maybe it was his coat that still had remnants of her perfume on that was forcing his brain away from his plan. Or maybe it was the memory of her grabbing his hand and leading her up to her bedroom...

Before Tommy could let himself slip away further there was a sudden large bang coming from the street and shouts for help. All three men looked at each other and ran out the door, hoping they weren't coming under attack.

It was Danny Whizbang who was running amok throughout the street, screaming incoherently in complete shell shock as he threw chairs at windows.Women screamed as they watched the crazed man run around, scared that he would hurt them. Arthur was the first one to dive on his old friend but was thrown off quickly. Jumping back up both him and John tackled Danny down while Tommy rushed in and grabbed Danny's face.

"Danny! Danny you're fuckin home now. You're at home with us!" Tommy screamed, shaking Danny to try and get him to look at him.

"They're coming for me. They're coming for me" he whispered, his eye's darting to the side "They're going to kill us all"

Tommy could see the war that had ravaged his childhood friends brain and could see how close he was himself to suffering the way Danny did.

Danny continued to thrash against his enemies, causing Arthur's hat to fall to the ground and Johns coat to be torn.

"Look at me Danny! LOOK AT ME! You're home, you're with us-" but before he could finish his sentence a hand reached over and stabbed Danny in the neck with a needle. As the needle pulled out Tommy looked to his side and saw Amelia breathless, her eye's wide with shock.

Danny quickly fell limp in Arthur and Johns arms and both of them sighed with relief.

"I didn't think he was going stop" Arthur breathed as he shifted his own weight to take on Danny's.

Tommy turned to look at Amelia who wasn't wearing a coat, having ran from the surgery with just a needle.

"He'll be out for a few hours now. Take him home. I'll check on him later" she breathed as she took a step back and surveyed the streets, all eye's on them. Amelia couldn't help but feel anger towards the people staring over at them, judging the man that was struggling.

Tommy without thinking quickly took off his coat and placed it around Amelia's shoulders before pulling her away, leaving his brothers to deal with Danny. Tommy didn't want her to see Danny, afraid that she may see the same damage in him.

"You shouldn't of done that" he hissed into her ear, glaring at anyone who watched them "You could of been hurt"

"I'm pretty sure he couldn't of hurt me when you three had him boxed in" and she rolled her eyes at his stubbornness before pulling Tommy's coat around her shoulders. It annoyed Amelia that he saw her as weak, she had been put in many dangerous situations and survived without a babysitter.

Tommy sighed and rubbed a hand through his short hair "We thought he had passed this"

Amelia looked up at him, his eye's trained straight ahead, on their destination, his jaw set in a hard line. It was intriguing to her when she saw him openly care about the people around him. The hard lines that she saw around him began to blur and the terrifying man began to soften.

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