Chapter 1

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Mal POV.

This was the best part of the week. When i got a call from home, from my kids. No one in Auradon new i had kids. I'm not prepared to change that. Only Evie , Jay and Carlos know. I know i'm going to have to tell Ben soon. I can't leave them on the island with CJ for long. 

 I got a phone call whilst i was with Ben, but i always answer. 


Mal - M              Maddie and Mason - MM     CJ- CJ

MM- Mummy 

M - Hey guys how are you?

MM- Good

M - I'm glad I promise I will try and see you soon

MM - Okay  Mummy love you

M - Love you too, hugs and kisses, can you pass me to CJ  please

MM - Sure 

CJ - Hey Mal 

M -- Hey CJ they alright

CJ- Yeah there good kids they really miss you and want to see you soon

M - I know and I'm trying, I really want to bring them here it's just difficult, and seen as only me, Evie, Jay and Carlos know, it's going to be difficult to tell people.

CJ- I know  the sooner the better got to go bye

M - bye and thank you so much 

* end of call*

I didn't realize Ben listened to my conversation. Obviously he only heard what I was saying but he still questioned me on it. He said " Mal who were you talking to? and are you cheating on me because you said you loved whoever was on the phone? What do You, Evie, Jay, and Carlos know? And who do you want to bring over??????? " I stared at him and I told him that it will all make sense over time and I'm NOT cheating on him.

He just said ok and lightly kissed me and walked me back to my dorm. I knew it was time to tell him soon, but how?

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